Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 772 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
K_0097_0013 A petition from a priest of Śrī Narmadeśvara to the premier to be allowed to register unclaimed land (VS 1948) 1948 VS
K_0097_0014 A document from the Premier concurring with C-in-C re trust land of Śrī Lakṣmīnārāyaṇa (VS 1943) 1943 VS
K_0097_0015 A document from General Bhīmasena Thāpā providing land to Bhīmabhakteśvara Guṭhī (VS 1879) 1879 VS
K_0097_0016 An executive order from the Premier providing land for Kālīgaṇḍakī's Bālamukteśvara Guṭhī (VS 1920) 1920 VS
K_0097_0017 A document from the C-in-C concurring with the Sadara Daphtarakhānā re the operation of the Kumbheśvara Mahādeva Guṭhī (VS 1950) 1950 VS
K_0097_0018 A petition from a caretaker of Śrī Kumbheśvara Mahādeva to the Premier to grant trust land in Nakhu (VS 1950) 1950 VS
K_0097_0019 A document from the Sadara Daphtarakhānā re a petition from a caretaker of Śrī Kumbheśvara Mahādeva (VS 1950) 1950 VS
K_0097_0020 A document from Adālata Gosvārā to Sadara Daphtarakhānā re substitute land for Lumaḍi Guṭhī (VS 1945) 1945 VS
K_0097_0021 A petition to the Premier that affected land has not been substituted for Lumaḍī Guṭhī (VS 1945) 1945 VS
K_0097_0022 An executive order from Premier Bīra Śamśera directing the State Treasury Section to provide substitute land (VS 1942) 1942 VS
K_0097_0023 An executive order of Gen. Bhaktavira providing land for Jirī's Śrī Jīreśvara Mahādeva (VS 1908) 1908 VS
K_0097_0024 A document from the General Survey informing a priest of Cainapura's Śrī Gorakhanātha that relevant documents have been sent (VS 1944) 1944 VS
K_0097_0025 A report from the Guṭhī Kacahari advising that land belonging to Cainapura's Gorakhanātha Guṭhī not be registered as state-owned land (VS 1944) 1944 VS
K_0097_0026 A document from the C-in-C concurring with the Guṭhī Kacahari re a dispute over land claimed by Cainapura's Gorakhanātha Guṭhī (VS 1944) 1944 VS
K_0097_0027 A petition from a trust member of Śrī Bālakumārī Guṭhī etc. re the operation of the trusts (VS 1941) 1941 VS
K_0097_0028 A lālamohara from King Rājendra providing land for musical instrumentalists of Ṭhimī's Bālakumārī Guṭhī (VS 1894) 1894 VS
K_0097_0029 A reference report of Guṭhī Kacaharī re the operation of trusts for Ṭhimī's Śrī Bālakumārī and other deities (VS 1941) 1941 VS
K_0097_0030 A document commenting on the operation of trusts for Ṭhimī's Śrī Bālakumārī and other deities (VS 1941) 1941 VS
K_0097_0031 An executive order from King Gīrvāṇa appointing Badrinātha as priest of Piuṭhāna's Śrī Kālikā (VS 1867) 1867 VS
K_0097_0032 A document from the Guṭhī Kacahari empowering Pamjālanātha to officiate at Piuṭhāna's Śrī Kālikā (VS 1925) 1925 VS
Displaying page 772 of 4117; total number of records: 82336