Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 794 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
K_0105_0029 A document providing land as a trust for performing rituals at Nagadeśa's Śrī Siddhi Gaṇeśa (NS 656) 656 NS
K_0105_0030 A document re the assets of the Gopinātha Guṭhī (VS 1909) 1909 VS
K_0105_0031 A copy of a lālamohara from King Gīrvāṇayuddha appointing Joturāma and Bholārāma to conduct the rituals of Śrī Candrabadanī (VS 1864) 1864 VS
K_0105_0032 A bond made by Khaḍānanda Jaisī before the Piuthāna Court for operating the Asurkoṭa Pauvā Guṭhī (VS 1938) 1938 VS
K_0105_0033 An executive order of King Rājendra for maintaining and repairing the Pauvā Guṭhī of Piuṭhāna (VS 1895) 1895 VS
K_0105_0034 An executive order by King Rājendra providing land to Rabinārāyaṇa Pādhyā for operating the trust of Asurkoṭa Pauvā (VS 1876) 1876 VS
K_0105_0035 A record of the holdings, rent etc. of Bhaktapur's Gopīnātha Jagannātha Guṭhī (VS 1909) 1909 VS
K_0105_0036 A catalogue of ornaments dedicated to Ilāma's Śrī Kaṅkā Devī (VS 1943) 1943 VS
K_0105_0037 An executive order of King Rājendra exempting instrumentalists at Banepā's Śrī Caṇḍeśvarī from corvee (VS 1879) 1879 VS
K_0105_0038 A document by King Jayajita Malla and other providing land for operating the rituals of Śrī Candeśvari Devī of Banepā (NS 732) 732 NS
K_0105_0039 A document of King Rājendra providing land to persons for services at Banepā's Śrī Caṇḍeśvarī Devī (VS 1879) 1879 VS
K_0105_0040 An executive order from King Rājendra appointing Ratna Siṃha Rāṇā to perform the rituals of Gorkhā's Bhūpādi (VS 1898) 1898 VS
K_0105_0041 A bond by six trustees of Bhaktapur's Śrī Bhīmasena re the operation of the trust (VS 1944) 1944 VS
K_0105_0042 A bond made by four trustees of Śrī Bhimasena of Bhaktapur re its land, rituals and operations (VS 1945) 1945 VS
K_0105_0043 A bond by six gentlemen of Bhaktapur with the Guṭhī Bandobasta re operation of Bhīmasena Guṭhī (VS 1945) 1945 VS
K_0105_0044 A document donating land to Bhaktapur's Bhīmasena Guṭhī for operating the rituals (NS 907) 907 NS
K_0105_0045 A usufructuary mortgage of land for borrowing a sum by two persons of Bhaktapur (VS 1942) 1942 VS
K_0105_0046 An order by Śiva Bhakta re the trust land of Śrī Bhimasena of Tacapāla (VS 1845) 1845 VS
K_0105_0047 A document acknowledges the receipt of a sum for perform the ritual at Bhaktapur's Śrī Bhīmasena (NS 981) 981 NS
K_0105_0048 A document providing land for performing the rituals of Bhaktapur's Śrī Bhīmasena (VS 1942) 1942 VS
Displaying page 794 of 4117; total number of records: 82336