Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 817 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
K_0114_0039 A sales deed of land (VS 1489) 552 NS
K_0114_0040 A sales deed of land of Rudrāyaṇī Guṭhī (VS 1548) 603 NS
K_0114_0041 An usufructuary mortgage of land (VS 1075) 1075 VS
K_0114_0042 A sales deed of land (VS 1744) 807 NS
K_0114_0043 A sales deed of land of Rudrāyaṇī Guṭhī (VS 1542) 605 NS
K_0114_0044 A sales deed of land of Rudrāyaṇī Guṭhī unspecified unspecified
K_0114_0045 A sales deed of land (VS 1775) 838 NS
K_0114_0046 A sales deed of land (VS 1776) 839 NS
K_0114_0047 A document re dedication of land by Nara Siṃha Bhāro for operating the rituals of Śrī Rudrāyaṇī (VS 1816) 879 NS
K_0114_0048 A document re dedication of land by Mohana Siṃha Bhāro for operating the rituals of Śrī Rudrāyaṇī (VS 1788) 851 NS
K_0114_0049 A sales deed of land (VS 1741) 804 NS
K_0114_0050 A recommendation made by the Guṭhī Lagata re the operation of the trust of Śrī Indrāyaṇī of Nuvākota (VS 1974) 1974 VS
K_0114_0051 A document from the C-in-C concurring with the Guṭhī Administration re the trust of Indrāyaṇī of Nuwākoṭa (VS 1974) 1974 VS
K_0114_0052 An executive order of King Rājendra Vikrama appointing Rājamāna Simha to operate the rituals of Śrī Indrāyaṇī (VS 1879) 1879 VS
K_0114_0053 An executive order from King Raṇa Bahādura substituting land for Nuwākoṭa's Bhairavī Guṭhī (VS 1847) 1847 VS
K_0114_0054 An executive order from King Rājendra dedicating land for performing rituals at Nuvākoṭa's Śrī Bhairavī (VS 1879) 1879 VS
K_0114_0055 A lālamohara from King Rājendra dedicating land to Nuvākoṭa's Śrī Bhairavī (VS 1898) 1898 VS
K_0114_0056 A copy of the copper plate from King Jayajitā Malla Deva dedicating land to the monastery of Indreśvara, Panauti (NS 796) 796 NS
K_0114_0057 A document on the Vairiamaṭha Guṭhī founded by King Pṛthivinārāyaṇa and his successor was re-confirmed by King Rājendra (VS 1881) 1881 VS
K_0114_0058 A document confirming the Vairiamaṭha and empowering monk to operate monstery (VS 1881) 1881 VS
Displaying page 817 of 4117; total number of records: 82336