Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 90 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
DNA_0019_0017 A baṇḍāpatra recording Jayacandra Vajrācarya etc.'s partition of landed property between them (NS 736) 736 NS
DNA_0019_0018 A baṇḍāpatra recording Devakitaju and his brothers' partition of property belonging to their mother (NS 663) 663 NS
DNA_0019_0019 A krayapatra recording Guṇasiṃha's purchase of land from a Vajrācārya owner (NS 785) 785 NS
DNA_0019_0020 A baṇḍāpatra recording the partition of a house between Uvakita and Bhāraju (NS 662) 662 NS
DNA_0019_0021 A vinimayapatra recording an exchange of land between some bhikṣu-s and Jñānadeva etc. (NS 607) ? 607 NS
DNA_0019_0022 A krayapatra recording the Buṅgamādyāvalokeśvara Guthī's purchase of land from Śrī Śuṭhā-sa (NS 687) 687 NS
DNA_0019_0023 A baṇḍāpatra recording Jakasiṃha and his brothers' partition of their father's estate (NS 718) 718 NS
DNA_0019_0024 A krayapatra recording Rāvutta Gaurīśaṅkra Bābu's purchase of land from (Vi)ṣṇudāsa Bhāro (NS 865) 865 NS
DNA_0019_0025 A tamasuka-tāḍapatra recording the names of Jiharsiṃha Vajracārya's sons and relatives (NS 736) 736 NS
DNA_0019_0026 A baṇḍāpatra recording Muktāmuṇi Vajracārya and his brothers' partition of ancestral property (NS 820) 820 NS
DNA_0019_0027 A baṇḍāpatra recording Janaju etc.'s partition of ancestral property (NS 802) 802 NS
DNA_0019_0028 A dattapatra recording Dharmaśrī Vajrācārya etc.'s donation of land to a Dharmadhātu shrine (NS 830) 830 NS
DNA_0019_0029 A krayapatra recording Dhaṃjubābu Rāvutta Patravaṃśa's purchase of land from Merubābu Rāvutta Patravaṃśa (NS 875) 875 NS
DNA_0019_0030 A krayapatra recording Hṛdayabodhi's purchase of part of a house from Śrī Bhāro (NS 683) 683 NS
DNA_0019_0031 A baṇḍāpatra recording Javaju and his nephews' partition of ancestral property (NS 802) 802 NS
DNA_0019_0032 A baṇḍāpatra recording Jakasiṃha and his brothers' partition of their father's property (NS 718) 718 NS
DNA_0019_0033 A bhogabandhakapatra recording Kraśumabodhi Vajracārya's borrowing of ten śivakā-s from Rāvutta Toyiba Bharo against part of his house (NS 625) 625 NS
DNA_0019_0034 A krayapatra recording Jivakita and Hṛdayakita Vajrācārya's purchase of land from Harideva (NS 614) 614 NS
DNA_0019_0035 A baṇḍāpatra recording three Vajrācārya brothers' partition of ancestral property (NS 820) 820 NS
DNA_0019_0036 A krayapatra recording a land sale involving two members of Buvihāra (NS 615) 615 NS
Displaying page 90 of 4117; total number of records: 82336