A document from Bhīma Śamśera to Gaṇeśa Bahādura re construction of damaged roofing at a caravanserai (VS 1972)

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Identifier: K_0397_0014
Title: A document from Bhīma Śamśera to Gaṇeśa Bahādura re construction of damaged roofing at a caravanserai (VS 1972)
Type, original: salāma; copy


Abstract: This document directs the person named to depute two persons to oversee the roofing of the caravanserai being reconstructed as the previous roof was carried away by the storm.
Issued by and to: Bhīma Śamśera; Gaṇeśa Bahādura
Donor, king:
Type of endowment:
Region of endowment:
Purpose of endowment:
Amount of endowment:


Date: VS 1972 Vaiśākha unspecified 7 Monday
Further details:

Script and language

Language, script: Nepali; Devanagari

Physical appearance

Width, height, and unit: 28.5; 11; cm
No. of folios:
Material, binding, and colour: unspecified; unspecified; unspecified
Condition: fair; complete


Institution and reg. no.: Bhadrakālī; card no. 1; Po. no. 9 Gu. Bam.
Source and details: NGMPP catalogue card; Microfilmed on 27/09/1994 as NGMPP K 397/14
Running no., exposures: K 25215; 1

Project specific information

Created, modified, ID: 11/26/17, 12:00 AM; 11/26/17, 12:00 AM; 18
Technical terms:

Associated secondary literature

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