A purjī from C-in-C Deva Śamśera directing to provide a sum to Kharidāra Harilāla for running Rāmakṛṣṇeśvara Guṭhī etc. (VS 1947)

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Identifier: K_0636_0030
Title: A purjī from C-in-C Deva Śamśera directing to provide a sum to Kharidāra Harilāla for running Rāmakṛṣṇeśvara Guṭhī etc. (VS 1947)
Type, original: purjī, sanada; copy


Abstract: As recommanded by the officers of Guṭhī Bandobasta, this document, issuing a sanada, directs the officers concerning to provide Rs. 2489 odd from the Gu. Gośvārā Jagerā Ḍhukuṭī in charge of Kharidāra Harilāla to run the trusts activities mentioned and to give the salaries to the employees of offices.
Issued by and to: Com-in-Chief Gen. Deva Śamśera J.B. Rāṇā; cocerning office
Place: Rāmakrṣṇeśvara and other guṭhīs; Śaiva
Donor, king:
Type of endowment:
Region of endowment:
Purpose of endowment:
Amount of endowment:


Date: VS 1947 Bhādra bright unspecified unspecified
Further details: card gives month as: "dvitīya Bhādra"

Script and language

Language, script: Nepali; Devanagari

Physical appearance

Width, height, and unit: 25.00; 74.00; cm
No. of folios:
Material, binding, and colour: Nepali paper; unspecified; unspecified
Condition: damaged; complete


Institution and reg. no.: Bhadrakālī; card no. 309 (1); 3 Sa. Gu. Bam. Po. no. 10
Source and details: NGMPP catalogue card; Microfilmed on 19/05/1988 as NGMPP K 636/30
Running no., exposures: K 42540; 3

Project specific information

Created, modified, ID: 5/31/19, 12:00 AM; 12/28/21, 7:13 AM; 18
Technical terms: sanada, kharidāra

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