A stele inscription at the Karuṇāmaya Mandira in Bungamati commemorating a bhajana for Kṛṣṇa performed by Guru Kavi Prasāda Gautama (VS 2008)

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Identifier: NHDP_0001_0001
Title: A stele inscription at the Karuṇāmaya Mandira in Bungamati commemorating a bhajana for Kṛṣṇa performed by Guru Kavi Prasāda Gautama (VS 2008)
Type, original: Inscription; original


Abstract: This stone stele at the Karuṇāmaya Mandira designated as a dharmastambha commemorates a one-week long performance of devotional songs for Kṛṣṇa at Bungamati in 1951 by Guru Kavi Prasāda Gautama. The fundamental duties for each of the four varṇas and āśramas along with general moral and religious norms are laid down on the basis of the Bhāgavatapurāṇa. The name of Krṣṇa is identified as the essence of Dharma and the importance of chanting it emphasized. It is promised that every year at the anniversary of the erection of the pillar a day of bhajanas for Kṛṣṇa will be performed.
Issued by and to:
Donor, king:
Type of endowment:
Region of endowment:
Purpose of endowment:
Amount of endowment:


Date: VS 2008 Āṣāḍha bright 1 unspecified
Further details:
Converted: 1951

Script and language

Language, script: Nepali, Sanskrit; Devanagari

Physical appearance

Width, height, and unit:
No. of folios:
Material, binding, and colour: Stone; None; Grey
Condition: Chips, cracks; legible; Complete


Institution and reg. no.: Karuṇāmaya Mandira, Bungamati; 85.30210947923865,27.629744665549932 ; None
Source and details: DOI of the image(s): https://doi.org/10.11588/heidicon/1204766; https://doi.org/10.11588/heidicon/1204742; Photographed by NHDP as: BUN0001_I_001
Running no., exposures: 2

Project specific information

Created, modified, ID: 11/8/20, 9:38 AM; 4/21/21, 8:03 AM; 21
Notes: DANAM catalogue entry: 9fead52d-9894-4256-b1ff-58266833396e; Type of writing support: stele; Associated NHDP catalogue entry: https://danam.cats.uni-heidelberg.de/report/9fead52d-9894-4256-b1ff-58266833396e
Technical terms:

Associated secondary literature

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