A rukkā of King Gīrvāṇayuddha to the people living north of Jitpur and Sankhu re the hunting of Chukar partridge (VS 1869)

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Identifier: DNA_0013_0070
Title: A rukkā of King Gīrvāṇayuddha to the people living north of Jitpur and Sankhu re the hunting of Chukar partridge (VS 1869)
Type, original: rukkā; unspecified


Abstract: This rukkā of the King issued in the name of the subjects of Jitpur and the northern parts of Sā̃khu forbids the hunting of wild mother fowls (cākhurā) and its chicken. It also prohibits to destroy its eggs. Otherwise it would be penalized with the fine as listed in the document.
Issued by and to:
Donor, king:
Type of endowment:
Region of endowment:
Purpose of endowment:
Amount of endowment:


Date: VS 1869 Phālguna dark 6 Sunday
Further details:

Script and language

Language, script: unspecified; Devanagari

Physical appearance

Width, height, and unit: 16.5; 22; cm
No. of folios: 1 (both side)
Material, binding, and colour: Nepali paper; unspecified; light brown
Condition: damaged by moths, breaking; complete


Institution and reg. no.: National Archives Kathmandu; Ms. no. 379
Source and details: NGMPP catalogue card; Microfilmed on 28/06/2000 as NGMPP DNA 13/70
Running no., exposures: 1216

Project specific information

Created, modified, ID: 10/27/17, 8:58 AM
Technical terms: rukkā, cākhurā

Associated secondary literature

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