A stone slab inscription at Yampi Thūra, Patan re construction of niches and toppling down of Buṅgadyaḥ Chariot (NS 810)

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Identifier: NHDP_0001_0177
Title: A stone slab inscription at Yampi Thūra, Patan re construction of niches and toppling down of Buṅgadyaḥ Chariot (NS 810)
Type, original: Inscription; original


Abstract: The inscription primarily records the construction of niches in Yampi Thūra and the subsequent reconsecration of the pañcabuddha deities in them. It also documents the toppling down of the Buṅgadyaḥ Chariot the day before the reconsecration.
Issued by and to:
Donor, king:
Type of endowment:
Region of endowment:
Purpose of endowment:
Amount of endowment:


Date: NS 810 Jyeṣṭha dark 2 Friday
Further details:
Converted: 1690

Script and language

Language, script: Newari & Sanskrit; Newari; Pracalita

Physical appearance

Width, height, and unit:
No. of folios: 1
Material, binding, and colour: Stone; none; Grey
Condition: Cracks; occasionally faint letters; complete


Institution and reg. no.: Ī Bahī, Patan, Aśoka Stūpa North (Aśoka Stūpa Uttara); 85.3275704573619,27.67725201213305; none
Source and details: NHDP catalogue entry; own assessment; Photographed by NHDP on 12/2018 as LAL1480_I_003
Running no., exposures:

Project specific information

Created, modified, ID: 3/17/24, 12:41 PM; 3/17/24, 12:41 PM; 21

DANAM catalogue entry: 03954d7d-c9b4-4b80-8855-75d9129bfaf9

Type of writing support: Stone slab niched into a wall

Technical terms:

Associated secondary literature

Vajrācārya, Dhanavajra: Madhyakālakā Abhilekha (page(s) 271) [edition]

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