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A letter from Raṇavīra Siṃha Thāpā to General Bhīmasena Thāpa (VS 1892)

ID: DNA_0004_0100

Edited and translated by Rajan Khatiwoda
Created: 2014-12-24; Last modified: 2017-01-10
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, . Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


This letter written by Raṇavīra Siṃha Thāpā from Pālpā in Tānasena to General Bhīmasena Thāpā requests clarification of lālamohara-s issued previously relating to theft, robbery and the death penalty imposed in cases involving the latter before a treaty with the British Indian Government was signed to prevent crimes, particularly cross-border theft and robbery.

Diplomatic edition


8म्रा­¯ ¯ ¯१¯ ¯­को­र­सर्कार­कंपनीको­अव‌­उप्रान्तः­डाँका­जाहाँ­पर्छ­वाहाँका­मालिक्‌ले­सजाय­
14न्या­काम­गर्या­वढिया­होला­भन्न्या­सिक्ष्या­लेषी­आयेछ­वहुत­जोग्य­वढिया­हो­¯ ¯२¯­
18इपुग्या­येउटामा­नेपाल­¯ ¯ ¯१¯ ¯­र­सर्कार­कंपनिका­जौन्‌­जगामा­डाँका­पर्छ‌­उस्‌­ज
19गाका­मालिक्‌ले­डाँका­मार्न्याको­साजय­गर्नु­नेपाल­¯ ¯ ¯१¯ ¯­का­मानिस्‌हरुले­सर्कार­कं
21निका­मानीस्‌हरुले­नेपाल­¯ ¯ ¯१¯­का­मुलुकमा­गै­डाका­मार्या­भन्या­नेपाल­¯ ¯ ¯१¯­


34लमोहर­वमोजीम­दोहरो­उर्दि­नेपाल­¯ ¯ ¯१¯­का­अम्वलका­मानिसले­सर्कार­
36सर्कार­कंपनिका­अम्वलका­मानीसले­नेपाल­¯ ¯ ¯१¯­का­अम्वल्‌मा­आइ­चो
37रि­डाका­मार्या­भन्या­नेपाल­¯ ¯ ¯१¯­वाट­सजाय­गर्नु­भन्न्या­९१­सालका­कार्त्तिक­
46पछिल्ला­येकोहरा­कुराका­वेव़राको­डाँका­चोरिसमेत्‌को­उर्दी­दिन्या­हो­¯ ¯ ¯१¯­मा­


Number 439

Hail! This letter is preceded by [assurances of faithful] Service! Service! Service! [and] crores and crores of eight-point prostrations (sāṣṭāṃgadaṇḍavat) performed by Raṇavīra Siṃha Thāpā to the feet of [my] five times venerable elder brother General Bhīmasena Thāpā, a fit [model] for comparison, most venerable because of every [good] quality and capable of carrying out (lit. elevating) the king’s heavy tasks and of firmly holding a sword.

[We are] here fine by the blessing of [your] feet. If [your] feet there are well, happy, auspicious and steady, all our affairs will be protected and advanced. Furthermore, the tidings here are good. The compassionate letter written on Thursday, the 13th of the dark fortnight of Śrāvaṇa arrived on Tuesday, the 3rd of the bright fortnight. [After I read] each paragraph [of it], the extent of its meaning [was understood]. I bow down my head [to your feet].

[Regarding the] following: The letter of instruction [from you which states the following] has arrived: ‘The content [lit. matter] of the rukkā [containing] details of the mutual extradition of robber[s] has also been sent to you stating [the following:] “From now on wherever a robbery is committed, [either] at a location [in the jurisdiction] of our –1 [or] of the Company Government, the local authority (vāhā̃kā mālikale) shall administer punishment”. Lālamoharas have been issued and sent from place to place [relating] to [two] rukkā-s, [one the one containing] the above-mentioned details and [the other] [prescribing] arrangements for the proclamation (urdi dinyā) regarding [this] matter of robbers, [to be announced] by the beating of drums. [These] 2 lālamohara[s] will be going [and] reach there [where you are] too. It would be good if [you could] perform the task of sending from place to place the proclamation that [whoever] does not act according to [these] lālamohara[s] [but] contrary to [them] will be punished in accordance with what is written in the lālamohara[s]’.

This is very proper and good. The [four following] lālamoharas have arrived: [1:] The lālamohara on compensation for the 2 [murīs] and 15 [pāthīs] of kheta [granted] to the regiment of ---2--- as jāgira [but] destroyed by landslides and flooding [lit. river] on the kheta [next to] the river - - -1 [2:] The lālamohara reflecting the older border pillars under the name of Maheśvara Pā̃ḍe- - -1 [3:] The lālamohara on robbery- - -1 [4:] The lālamohara on the proclamation regarding robbery and theft- - -1

As to one [of them]: You had sent me a draft of the rukkā asking for my opinion [and containing the following] details: ‘Wherever a robbery is committed, [whether] at a location [in the jurisdiction] of Nepal - - -1- - - or Company Government, the local authority shall exact punishment [by] executing the robber. If persons under Nepal - - -1- - - commit robbery at a location [in the jurisdiction] of the Company Government, [the offenders] shall be punished by the Company Government, [while] if persons under the Company Government commit robbery at a location [in the jurisdiction] of Nepal - - -1- - -, [the offenders] shall be punished by Nepal - - -1- - -’. [My opinion is that] it would be good to issue double proclamations every 15 days.

[As to the lālamohara on] issuing the proclamation, it has [the following] details: ‘Because of robbery and theft in the cross-border areas, the friendship [between Nepal- - -1- - - and the Company Government] will suffer, and their peoples, too, will. Therefore, [the proclamation, announced by] the beating of drums, that anybody from the four varṇas and thirty-six castes shall be punished by death if [charges] of theft and robbery are proved shall be delivered in every courtyards/village (praganna-mauje). From now on the same proclamation shall also be delivered in kacaharis every 15 days’ and warnings continually issued’. It seems to me that if the proclamation is delivered every 15 days—that robbery or theft committed in the British-[Indian] territories shall carry the death penalty—our subjects will be very alarmed and the country will fall into some disrepute.

There is one detail in the lālamohara concerning arrangements [and] one [other conflicting] detail in the lālamohara concerning the proclamation, and therefore I have sent a request [for clarification]. The double proclamations based on the lālamohara concerning arrangements for the double readings—if persons from Nepal - - -1- - - territory go to commit robbery or theft in the territory of Company Government, [the offenders] shall be punished by the Company Government, [and] persons from Company Government territory go to commit robbery or theft in the territory of Nepal - - -1- - -, [the offenders] shall be punished by Nepal - - -1- - - are scheduled [to begin] from Kārttika of the [Vikrama] year [18]91. Should there be the beating of drums every 15 days [announcing] that if a robbery or theft is proved, the offender shall be put to death? It is seen to be the case that in the lālamohara concerning arrangements with British-[India] [the offender] is to be put to death only in the case of robbery, [whereas] the lālamohara [issued] later states: ‘if robbery or theft is proved, a death sentence shall be imposed’.

Regarding the matter of theft, [confusion arises] because the two lālamoharas do not agree in detail when ordering the proclamation concerning theft: whether one who steals a cow, buffalo or principle objects (prādhāna) is also to be called a thief. [Is it the case that] only one who breaks into houses and commits robbery [is to be called a robber], or is someone who steals a cow, buffalo or prādhāna also [included]? Should the proclamation be made according to the prior lālamohara [to allow for] a double field of application of robbery or according to the later lālamohara concerning theft as well as robbery, each with [its own] strict fields of application? If you could kindly request [clarification of] this matter from ---1---, I will have the proclamation delivered according to [his] order. [What more to say] to the feet of a knowledgeable one?

Thursday, the 5th of the bright fortnight of Śrāvaṇa in the [Vikrama] year 1892. From Pālpā, Tānasiṃ [Tānasena].
