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A bintīpatra to the premier’s father reporting on the construction of water channels in the region of Pokhara and indirectly requesting assistance in a personal matter

ID: DNA_0004_0084

Edited and translated by Rajan Khatiwoda in collaboration with Simon Cubelic, Axel Michaels, Christof Zotter
Created: 2014-12-14; Last modified: 2017-07-04
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, . Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


In this letter addressed to the prime minister's father and accompanied by a gratuity, an anonymous orphaned official reports about the construction of water channels in the region of Pokhara under his supervision and makes an oblique request for unspecified assistance for himself.

Diplomatic edition







2चढाई­पठाय़ाको­छु­•जुनावमा­•दाषिल्‌­हुन्या­•छ­•दयासागर­¯ ¯१¯­बाट­म‌­अनाथ­•टुहुरामा•
•कुलो­वनाउनु­भंन्या­•¯ ¯१¯­वाट­सिक्षापत्र­वक्सी­•आय़ा­मोताविक्­•विज्यैपुरको­कुलो­
8तयार­भयापछी­•१०।१५­हजार­षेत­•अवाद­हुन्या­छ­तर­•दयासागर­¯ ¯१¯­का­हजुरमा­
9वषत­•औसर­•पारि­•म­अनाथको­विंतिभाउ­चढाईदिन्या­मानिस्­•कोही­छैन­¯ ¯२­
10¯भन्या­पनि­•¯ ¯३¯­भन्या­पनी­अनाथको­नाथ­•हजुर•हरु­हो‌इवक्सनुहुंछ­•दय़ा
12उचानिचा­•पर्न­गयाको­माफ­वक्स्या­जाव़स्­¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯




naṃ. 423

Śrī 3 Mahārājabubājyū1 1

Śrī Daiva-Īśvara 2

Śrī 6 Mumājyū 32

bintīpatra ---

[Regarding the] following: O ocean of mercy! O vessel of compassion! O avatar of the dharma! I have sent one mohara rupaiyā in an envelope together with this bintīpatra as a gratuity (darsanī) for the ṭīkā.3 It will reach you. By the kindness of -1- (i.e. Śrī 3 Mahārājabubājyū) , an ocean of mercy, I—a forlorn orphan—was sent to Pokhara with authority over 2 platoons. To the best of my ability and as far as the powers of my intelligence extended, I readied [for operation] the water channel for Bijaipur according to the letter of instruction provided by -1- (i.e. Śrī 3 Mahārājabubājyū) that ordered the construction of this water channel here in Bijaipur. Recently, too, I started the work of constructing the water channels at Maidītāla4 and Gaḍuvākholā5 according to the instruction to complete these channels which need to be constructed. Once these canals are ready, 10-15 thousand fields will become cultivated land within one or two months. But there is nobody [of sufficient standing] to arrange [an appropriate] time and occasion to put forward a request from me an orphan to -1- (i.e. Śrī 3 Mahārājabubājyū), an ocean of mercy. Whether -2- (i.e. Śrī Daiva-Īśvara) or -3- (i.e. Śrī 6 Mumājyū), you all are the lords of orphans. O ocean of mercy, O avatar of the dharma, whatever support, whatever orders [there are for me], [I] forlorn orphan [will carry them out]! Kindly forgive me for any excesses and omissions in writing these lines.


1. Probably the father of the acting prime minister. []

2. Probably the Queen-Mother. []

3. This very probably was the ṭīkābhetī. []

4. A lake east to Pokhara. []

5. A river close to Pokhara. []