A rukkā of Crown Prince Surendra granting the authority of mining for diamonds to Jagannātha Dāsa (VS 1896)
ID: DNA_0012_0059
Edited and
translated by Rajan Khatiwoda
in collaboration with
Axel Michaels
Created: 2014-10-14;
Last modified: 2022-12-06
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Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, .
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rukkā issued by Crown Prince Surendra grants authority to Jagannātha Dāsa for searching possible mines of diamonds in the kingdom and declares that Jaganātha shall take one-fourth of share if a mine is found.
Diplomatic edition
[royal seal]
1[...]स्तिश्रीमन्महाराजाधिराजकुमारयुवराजकस्यरुक्का¯ ¯ ¯
Śrī Durgājyū
Hail! This is a rukkā of the crown prince of the supreme king of great kings.
To Jagannātha Dāsa
We granted [you] the authority of searching for diamond-mines in our realm . We issued a mohara of the [following] regulation: "If a diamond mine is appeared while searching for it, twelve parts (bāhrā aṃni, i.e. three-fourth) of share1 are ours and you should enjoy four parts (cāra aṃni, i.e. one-fourth of share).
On [?]day, [?], of dark fortnight of Vaiśākha in VS 1896. [Let it be] auspicious.
1. The term
aṃni (var.
ānā, āni, anni) refers to the sixteenth parts of Rs.1 (see
Parājulī et al. VS 2067, s.v.
Ānā was synonymous to
gaṇḍa and the Nepalese rupee consists of 16
gaṇḍas. (cf. Regmi 1972: Appendix B).