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A bintīpatra speaking about drought in the administrative area of an unspecified petitioner

ID: DNA_0004_0092

Edited and translated by Rajan Khatiwoda in collaboration with Philip Pierce
Created: 2014-01-15; Last modified: 2016-02-19
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, . Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


This letter of petition speaks about drought in the administrative area of the petitioner, but the names of the petitioner and the recipient are not mentioned in the document.

Diplomatic edition



2ण­सुदि­४­रोज­३मा­लेषी­विंती­ जाहेर्­गर्याको­थीञाँ­•यँहाँ­पछी­७­दिन्­सम्म­वर्साद­भयाको­थीयेन­श्रा
10नेर­दुनिञाँहरुले­वाँध­पैन­गर्याका­थीया­•सिरावर्सी­ठुलो­वाढ़­आउदा­•श्रावण­सुदी­१५­रोज­•७का­ रा


number 431


[Regarding] the following: I had reported this situation [to you] having written [a letter] on Monday, 4th of the bright fortnight of Śrāvaṇa: since there was a light drizzle on Sunday|Monday, 2nd|3rd day of the bright fortnight of Śrāvaṇa, the rice seedling[s], at least, were saved. After this, there was no rainfall for seven days. There was a light drizzle on Sunday, 10th of the bright fortnight of Śrāvaṇa. From that day [onwards], a light shower has been started on a daily basis. O Lord! Since there has not been any heavy rainfall, the rice plantation has been going on only in the deepest furrows (gaihrāṭhā̃u) and boat-like [rice] fields (ḍuḍākheta). The subjects are suffering extensively since there is not enough rain to irrigate the terraced fields and the rice plants are also becoming older. Because of the delay in rainfall, the crops [planted and grown] in the month of Bhādra (bhadaiyābālī) have also been destroyed. O, Container of Compassion! The subjects have kept [themselves] alive by eating mango in the months of Jyeṣṭha and Āṣāḍha, as well as forest-radish in the month of Śrāvaṇa. Now, [all] forest fruits are also finished. Since caudharīs and jamīnadāras have become impoverished as the result of the [19]30|32 year long drought, the subjects are starving. The subjects, following the document [issued by you which exhorted them] “provide help to construct a dam and canal excluding money”, constructed a dam [and] canal in the river Jhima, nearby Maijesirsīyā. Since there was a great flood on Saturday, 15th of the bright fortnight of Śrāvaṇa when there have been heavy rainfall on hilly-sides, 1 the dam broke and water flowed towards Moglāna (India). The help of the subjects alone is not enough to construct a strong dam having spent a lot [money]. O baṃdenevāja, it appears that there are no people in this district who both understand the problem and are rich [as well].

[Me, your] child will be protected only if you forgive [your] servant’s [mine] excesses and omissions [lit. up and down] in [my writing of this present report].


1. The term śīrā barsī, absolutive of śirā barṣanu, literally means "to happen rainfall on the head". It is meant here that there was rainfall on the top areas of the hill-side which caused the flooding in the flat land down. []