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A document listing the buffaloes sacrificed during Dasaĩ at the royal palace (VS 1886)

ID: E_2776_0001

Edited and translated by Astrid Zotter
Created: 2016-09-28; Last modified: 2018-06-22
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2017. Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


In this tapasila, details of the buffalo sacrifices performed at the main courtyard (Mūlacoka) of the royal palace on the ninth day (Mahānavamī) of the autumnal Dasaĩ festival are recorded.

Diplomatic edition






25ज्मा­¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ २०
26छिन्याको­¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ १९




Details of the buffalo sacrifices that took place at the main courtyard (Mūlacoka) [of Hanumānḍhokā palace] on Wednesday, the 9th of the bright fortnight of Āśvina in the [Vikrama] year 1886


entry (asāmī)cut
buffalo1kaṭuvāby Dirghasiṃ Bānīñā̃two-handedly, with a khuḍā-sword, cut1 1
buffalo2surjamukhī2 dittotwo-handedly, with a khuḍā-sword, cut2
buffalo3di[tto]dittotwo-handedly, with a khuḍā-sword3
buffalo4di[tto]by Aimān Thāpātwo-handedly, with a khuḍā-sword, cut4
buffalo5di[tto]by Bākā Basnyāttwo-handedly, with a khuḍā-sword5
buffalo6di[tto]by Aimān Thāpātwo-handedly, with a khuḍā-sword, cut6
buffalo7di[tto]by Bākā Basnyāttwo-handedly, with a khuḍā-sword7
buffalo8kaṭuvāby jmādāraBalabhadra Rāuta3 one-handedly, with a tarovāra-sword8
buffalo9di[tto]by Ajaya Bānīñā̃one-handedly, with a khuḍā-sword9
buffalo10di[tto]by Jagajit Basnyātone-handedly, with a khuḍā-sword10
buffalo11di[tto]by jmādāraDipavīra Kārkīone-handedly, with a devaryā khuḍā4 -sword11
buffalo12di[tto]by jmādāraPratāpa Dharnione-handedly, with a khukuri-knife12
buffalo13di[tto]by jmādāraLacheman Khatrīone-handedly, with a khuḍā-sword, cut13
buffalo14di[tto]by Jahānsiṃ Khatrīone-handedly, with a khuḍā-sword14
buffalo15di[tto]by jmādāraRudravīra Rāūtaone-handedly, with a khuḍā-sword15
buffalo16di[tto]by jmādāraSivanārān Mahatone-handedly, with a khuḍā-sword16
buffalo17the "big one" (satār)by Aimān Thāpāone-handedly, with a khuḍā-sword, remained [alive]1
buffalo18surjamukhīby Bākā Basnyāttwo-handedly, with a khuḍā-sword, cut17
buffalo19dittoby Aimān Thāpātwo-handedly, with a khuḍā-sword18
buffalo20kaṭuvāby Dirhgasiṃ Bānīñā̃two-handedly, with a khuḍā-sword19

Total: 20

[Head] cut: 19

[Head] not cut: 1


In the original, use is made of lines of differing length to fill the space between the particulars of single entries in order to furnish proper columns. This typical format feature has been reproduced here in the form of a computer-generated table.

This list records the buffalo sacrifices performed at the Mūlacoka (lit. "main courtyard") of the royal palace during the autumnal Dasaĩ festival. That it refers to the Hanumānḍhokā palace can be inferred from the fact that many of the documents microfilmed on the same and neighbouring reels emanated from the old royal palace of Kathmandu. Lists similar to the present one are extant for the subsequent years VS 1888 (E_2767_0049), 1900 (E_2775_0040), 1902 (E_2764_0036, E_2779_0019) and 1908 (E_2779_0005). As other documents (e.g. DNA_0002_0061) attest to, records of buffalo sacrifices had to be dispatched from major state temples and army units throughout the country.

The list records with running numbers the buffaloes sacrificed, the sacrificers’ names, the number of hands and type of blade used. Moreover, it records whether the animal was "cut." From what is known to be the sacrificial ideal, this in all likelihood refers to whether it was decapitated with a single stroke or not. The terms in the second column probably refer to certain types of buffaloes, given that the term satār occurs among them. According to Unbescheid (1996: 120–125, passim) and Tingey (1997: 99), among the animals sacrificed at the Gorkhā palace the satār (lit. "the big fat one"; in contrast to Tingey and the present document, the form Unbescheid gives for the term is satāhar) was of special importance. It was the biggest among its fellow bulls and stood for Mahiṣāsura, the demon enemy of the goddess Durgā. A special tune played during its sacrifice highlights this act. In contradistinction to all other buffaloes, which were to be decapitated with a single stroke, this one was to be killed with three strokes. This may also explain why, in the present document, all buffaloes are listed as having been slain (i.e. with a single stroke) except for no. 17, the satār.


1. Each entry in the table can be read as a sentence from left to right (with some sentences eliding the verb). Reproducing this feature would call for translations such as: “Buffalo 1 (a kaṭuvā): Dirghasiṃ Bānīñā̃ cut [it] two-handedly with a khuḍā-sword”. My translation follows the table strictly and therefore retains the given word order. []

2. Lit. "sun-face" or "sun-flower". The exact meaning in the present context is not clear. From its position in the column where the satār buffalo occurs (see below, buffalo no. 17 and commentary) one may infer that it denotes a certain type of buffalo. []

3. The script is unclear here. From what I consider the most probable reading, it appears that in this case the agentive suffix -le occurs twice, once with the first and once with the last name of the sacrificer. []

4. In what respect a devaryā (or debaryā?) khuḍā differs from a normal khuḍā is not clear to me. []