A note re the retrieval of utensils belonging to the Luthāma Guṭhī
[VS 1860]
ID: E_2253_0015G
Edited and
translated by Manik Bajracharya
in collaboration with
Yogesh Budathoki
Created: 2020-08-24;
Last modified: 2021-04-15
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Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of
Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2021.
Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of
the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives,
Government of Nepal).
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This note of a scribe concerns the retrieval of utensils belonging to the Luthāma
Guṭhī from Bhājudhana Jaisī. It mentions Bhājudhana Jaisī's reluctance to return the
utensils and how he went into hiding without returning them all. The document does
not mention Bhājudhana or Rāmānanda by name.
Diplomatic edition
Once we had taken this rukkā [to them], dvāryāCandramaṇi and diṭṭhās
Rudranārāṃ and Bhāgīrāma sent [a number
of] respectable (māhānyā) [persons] to have [Bhājudhana
Jaisī] hand over a pāthī1 ,
bāṭā2 and phosi3 [to Rāmānanda Bā̃ḍā]. When
they went there, [Bhājudhana] acted resentful. Later on he got [himself] under
control and handed the bāṭā over. He pronounced oaths [and] made
various commitments, saying: "The pāthī and
phosi broke and have been given for repair. I will deliver them
after four days, on Friday," and [so] we let him go. Later he went into hiding.
1. A
container for grains having a volume of one
pāthī, a unit
equivalent to 4.546 litres or 8
[⇑] 2. A flat, round vessel usually made of
copper or brass.
[⇑] 3. A large
copper vessel used for distilling rice spirits.