A copy of a lālamohara of King Rājendra reinstating Saṃkara Pādhyā
Neūpāne as overseer of a Tripurasundarī guṭhī (VS 1877)
ID: K_0015_0017A
Edited and
translated by Ramahari Timalsina
in collaboration with
Rabi Acharya
Created: 2021-05-05;
Last modified: 2021-08-12
For the metadata of the document, click here
Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of
Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2021.
Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of
the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives,
Government of Nepal).
All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See
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The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the
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lālamohara of the king, who according to the date must have
been Rājendra, informs the
amālidāra of Bhārvung Kholā of Saṃkara
Pādhyā Neūpāne's continuing overseership of a Tripurasundarī guṭhī.
Diplomatic edition
¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ 1मार्फतरघुनाथप्रोहीत
Po. 14 Va 11 in 110 Sī. 662
The one who said: Nau[sīndā]Harṣa
The one who reviewed: Nau[sīndā]Bāhu
Āge: To the amālidāra of the
Bhārvuṅ Kholā2 [region].
It has been learned by us that the custom of worshipping the glorious goddess
Tripurasundarī of Tiprikoṭa [prevailing] from ancient times was reduced by half, the
evening and early morning worship having been discontinued. Therefore, the priest [of
the temple] came to us and made a request. We have reinstated the PūjāGuṭhī mentioned in the earlier śrestās
under [the overseership of] Saṃkara Pādhyā Neūpāne. Hand over
authority [of the guṭhī] to him without any reduction, together
with [authority over] the customs [prevailing] since ancient times. Whoever is
involved in reducing the regular and casual worship [of the deity] will be punished
according to his caste status.
Sunday, the 5th day of the dark fortnight of Pauṣa in the [Vikrama] era year 1877
(1820 CE). Auspiciousness.
Through the priest Raghunātha
Three documents (K_0015_0017B, K_0015_0017D and K_0015_0017E) which come after the
present document in the same batch identify themselves as
lālamoharas. This suggests that this document is also a copy of
a lālamohara. For more information about this Tripurasundarī
temple, see the Commentary of K_0093_0002C.
1. These numerals and letters by a second hand were probably added
when documents were either sorted or, more likely, when they were
[⇑] 2. This river or a stream could
not be found in topographic maps of Nepal. It is likely located in the western
hilly region of Nepal, possibly in Dolpa district. The present Tripurasundarī
temple is located on a hilltop of
Tripurakot village development committee in that