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A letter of Jītajaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā restraining a local revenue official from collecting revenue on Tripurasundarī guṭhī lands in Jumla (VS 1936)

ID: K_0093_0002I

Edited and translated by Ramhari Timalsina in collaboration with Pabitra Bajracharya
Created: 2021-03-24; Last modified: 2021-07-09
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2021. Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


This is a letter from Eastern Commanding General Jītajaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā to a local contractor (amālī) regarding revenue collection from guṭhī lands that were supporting a Tripurasundarī temple. The local priests Sarmānaṃda Upādhyā and Purṇānaṃda Upādhyā had claimed that customarily they had been collecting revenue on land in Lātāchriṃ Gallī village to cover general expenditures for the temple, but that the local amālī had started claiming that revenue. The amālī is told to revert to the former arrangement or else justify himself.

Diplomatic edition



[Unknown seal]

2जीतजंङ्ग∙वहादुर∙राणाकस्य­पत्रम­¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
4उप्रांत­¯ ¯१¯कापाटपुजा­मामुली∙मा­दरीयाको­व्यासतली­फाल­
5लाउन∙को­लाताछ्रिं­गल्ली­गाउ­∙¯ ¯१¯कास्थानमा­नीत्ये­नै
8मी∙ले­∙असुल­तहसील­गरी­¯ ¯१¯कापाटपुजा­गरी­∙नीज­गाउमा­
9परीआय़ाको­डंडकुंड­∙हाम्रा­हातवाट­∙गरी­¯ ¯१¯कापुजापाट­
15ली : आय़ा­वमोजीं­नीज­गाउका­दामकाम­तर्तहसील­दंडकुंडको­
16आम्दानी­तीमीहरुले­गरी­¯ ¯१¯कापाटपुजा­षर्च­चलीआय़ा­मु
19मा­वीन्तीपत्र­चढाउदा­∙जाहेर­भय़ो­तसर्थ­अघीदेषी­¯ ¯१¯कापाट
22 मुलीका­गुठी­गाउ­वाहेक­भंन्या­∙तीम्रा­नाउमा­भय़ाको­पट्टा­स्मेत्‌­
30रोज­४­शुभं­¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯

1सक्कल­वमोजीं­नक्कल­दुरुस्त­छ­भनी­स्ही­छाप­गर्ने­थानी­भानुभक्त­पाध्या­तीपृकोट्‌­¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯







No. 1 1

Unknown seal

Hail! A letter of the venerable prince, son of a prince, Eastern Commanding General Jītajaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā

Age: To the amālī, holder of a revenue-collecting contract for the Tīprīkoṭ subdivision of Jumla

Yathocita uprānta: The following became known [to us] when the local priests of good standing Sarmānaṃda Upādhyā and Purṇānaṃda Upādhyā petitioned us, stating: "Lātāchriṃ Gallī village of Vyāsatalī Phālalāuna is registered [as a revenue source] for the general expenditures for performing recitations and worship of -1- (i.e. glorious Tripurasundarī2 ), and after a lālamohara was issued in our names [allowing us] to perform the daily and occasional rituals and to perform worship and recitations during the two daśaĩs at the shrine of -1- (i.e. glorious Tripurasundarī) there and to enjoy the [corresponding] ritual fees (dakṣiṇā), we received the revenue, and also were granted compensation [for shortfalls] in the accounting. We received the revenue through the said [amālī], collected with our own hands judicial fines (daṇḍakuṇḍa) imposed upon the aforementioned village [in connection with our] performing the rituals of -1- (i.e. glorious Tripurasundarī), and were [in general] conducting the rituals and enjoying [the surplus]. The amālī has now been seizing [our revenue], telling us that we are not entitled to enjoy the revenue, and that we must hand it over to him. A sanada had been issued to the amālī, too, that barred him [from keeping such revenue] from the guṭhī and village as is [allocated] for the usual ritual worship. We are now not obliged to hand over revenue that we have been enjoying since earlier times. We request that you issue a sanada stating: 'Following the customary tradition, receive income from monetary transactions (dāmakāma), the collection of various revenue (tartahasīla) and judicial fines (daṇḍakuṇḍa), and bear the cost of ritual worship at -1- (i.e. glorious Tripurasundarī) as before in accordance with what has come down since olden times'."

Therefore, if it is true that Lātāchriṃ Gallī village of Vyāsatalī Phālalāuna is registered [as a revenue source] for the general expenditures for the recitation and worship of -1- (i.e. glorious Tripurasundarī), and a lālamohara also has been issued in their name, while a paṭṭā issued in your name excludes the guṭhī[-lands of] the village specified for the general expenditures for the recitation and worship, do not trouble or harass the people by now saying that [payments] which amālīs have not been receiving and enjoying since olden times are now being imposed; leave to Sarmānaṃda Upādhyā and Purṇānaṃda Upādhyā [the revenue] that they have previously been enjoying in accordance with the sanada. If this is not the case and there are other details, gather the evidence for the details in accordance with the Ain and savālas and send them [to us] to inform us of them.

Wednesday, the second day of the dark fortnight and the 30th day of Āśvina, in the [Vikrama] era year 1936 (1879 CE). Auspiciousness.

Attesting that the copy is in accordance with the original:

ThānīBhānubhakta Pādhyā, [a resident of] Tīpṛkoṭ

Signature: Bhānubhagata Upādhyā, Koṭ village

In accordance with the original



Signature [of] Nau[sindā]Harī

Signature [of] Mohaṃ


For more information about the temple of Tripurasundarī, see the Commentary of K_0093_0002C.


1. This numeral by a second hand was probably added when documents were either sorted or, more likely, when they were microfilmed. []

2. Taken from the space of the previous document, K_0093_0002H. []