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A copy of a rukkā from King Rājendra exempting Viṣnupada Pādhyā and Badrī Pādhyā from annual payments in return for performing Dasaĩ rituals (VS 1895)

ID: K_0007_0043C

Edited and translated by Ramhari Timalsina and Astrid Zotter
Created: 2021-02-17; Last modified: 2021-12-13
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2021. All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


This copy of a rukkā from the king, who according to the date must have been Rājendra, exempts Viṣnupada Pādhyā and Badrī Pādhyā from paying 60 rupees in return for reciting the Veda and the Caṇḍī during the Dasaĩ festival in the Tripurasundarī temple in Jumla and performing the Dasaĩ rituals at the fort (koṭa) there.

Diplomatic edition



1से­ नं­५४­



7घिदेषि­•गरीआय़ा­वमोजीम­¯ ¯ ¯का­स्थानमा­•वेद­र­•चंदी­पाठ­•दसै­२­को­र­•

[Unknown seal]




[Unknown seal]





Through (mārphat) idem1

se. no. 54, attested (ruju)2

The one who said: signature of Nau[sindā]Purṇa3

The one who watched: Nau[sindā] Rāma

No. 264

Tripurasundarī (text: Tripurāsuṃḍarī)

This is an executive order (rukkā).

Āge: To the local [residents] Viṣnupada Pādhyā [and] Badrī Pādhyā

Of the sum that was fixed during the tax assessment of the year [18]94 in the villages of Vyāsatālle, Phālacila, Paharadāra and Vyāsa in the sub-divison (darā) of Tripurākoṭa in the district (jillā) of Jumla (text: Jumilā), a reduction of 60 rupees in sohragaṇḍī money has been made in your name in the mohara [issued] for the tax collection settlement (ṭhekathiti) of this darā. Take the 60 rupees annually in accordance with the instalments [specified in the ṭhekathiti] from the sum [fixed] for the villages, perform the recitations of the Veda and the Caṇḍī in the temple of [Tripurasundarī]5 during the 2 Dasaĩs, and the worship (pūjā) at the fort (koṭa) during the 2 Dasaĩs in line with what has been done since earlier times, celebrate our triumphs and enjoy what remains [after covering expenses], keeping [it for yourself]. Submit personally (lit. "with your own hands") [to us] the rest of the money (lit. "rupees") [specified in the contract] relating to these villages—every year and according to the [fixed] instalments—

[Unknown seal]

Signature: Ḍi[ṭṭhā]Ḍip Bahādura6


[p.] 22

[Unknown seal]

Signature: Ḍi[ṭṭhā] Ḍip Bahādura

through the jimmāvāla of the darā and make the land flourish, mindful of your duties.

Friday, the 10th day of the bright fortnight of Vaiśākha in the [Vikrama] era year 1895 (1838 CE). Auspiciousness.


The document makes permanent a reduction that had previously been given as an annual privilege in a ṭhekathiti settlement for the darā of Tripurakoṭa composed of four specified villages, in the name of two Upādhyā Brahmins. In return the two Brahmins are ordered to perform the worship during the Dasaĩ festivals in the temple of Śrī Tripurasundarī with recitations and at the fort. From the phrasing of the document it appears that the two persons appointed were also responsible for fulfilling the rest of the ṭhekathiti obligations, which remain unknown, and for supervising the cultivation of land in the villages. Another copy of this document has been preserved as K_0093_0002U.

The Tripurasundarī temple referred to in the document is located on a hilltop within Tripurakot village development committee in Dolpa district. The expansion of the Gorkhālī kingdom towards the west was considerably advanced during the regency of Bahādura Śāha (1785–1794). Troops led by KājīŚivanārāyaṇa Khatrī and SardāraPrabala Rānā made the first attack on Jumla in 1787, and within two years secured victory over the kingdom (Hamilton 1819: 287–288, Bajracharya 1992: 92–96). After the expansion, many documents were issued to the settlement regarding tax collection in the area. Apart from the present document there are more, such as K_0012_0022, K_0012_0027B or ones within the batch K_0093_0002A to K_0093_0002Z, that are related to the management of land in Jumla and of its temples.


1. The document K_0007_0038A mentions the priest (purohita) Kavikulakesarī Paṃḍīta as being the one who signed the whole following batch of documents as mārphata in the original. []

2. It is unknown what the abbreviation se and the number refer to. Possibly they were added when the copies were checked for their agreement with the originals. []

3. This and the following marginal note identify the scribes who were involved in copying or checking the correctness of the copies. Similar notes are present in other documents (see e.g. the editions K_0013_0020B, K_0013_0020E, K_0013_0022B, K_0013_0033E or K_0015_0022B). []

4. This number refers to the place of the document in the government ledger archived as Book no. 4, which according to its front cover is from the Pahāḍa Baṃdobasta Phā̃ṭa and whose entries were microfilmed sequentially by the NGMPP from K_0007_0031 (front cover and index) up to K_0009_0014. The assemblage of bound material covers the main body (i.e. excluding the initial and final formalities) of 179 royal documents from the period VS 1892–1907 that pertain to guṭhī affairs. []

5. Inserted from the space above. []

6. This is the signature of the ḍiṭṭhā who probably oversaw the scribes in copying. His signature is found on most of the pages in the ledger. []