A copy of a purjī from Bhīma Śamśera to the West no. 2 Bakyautā Aḍḍā
ordering the purchase of cannabis for the ascetics at Kālamocanaghāṭa (VS
ID: K_0655_0026
Edited and
translated by Christof Zotter
Created: 2024-06-18;
Last modified: 2024-10-29
For the metadata of the document, click here
Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of
Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2024.
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In this
purjī Commander-in-Chief General Bhīma Śamśera Jaṅga
Bahādura Rāṇā instructs the officials of the West no. 2 Bakyautā Aḍḍā to purchase up
to 35
mohararupaiyā̃s of good-quality cannabis for the ascetics of
akhāḍās at the Kālamocanaghāṭa and visiting ascetics coming
for the Śivarātrī festival of VS 1959.
Diplomatic edition
¯ \ ¯ ¯तर्फगुठीवन्दो
¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯9पश्चीम्१लम्वरलाइ•माथीकोवेहोरासदर•मीतीसदर•
[In the space above the main text:]
Śrī 3 Sarkāra
[In the left margin:]
no. 282
Hail! [This is] a purjī of the venerable Commander-in-Chief
General Bhīma Śamśera Jaṅga Bāhādura Rāṇā (text: Bhīm
Samsera Jaṅga Rāṇā Bahādura), a venerable prince born of a prince, to
the chief and clerks of the West no. 2 Bakyautā Aḍḍā (for Bakyautā
Tahasila Aḍḍā).
Uprānta: For Śivarātrī of the
[Vikrama era] year [19]59, in order to supply the ascetics (sādhu
santa) living in the 4 akhāḍās at
Kālamocana[ghāṭa] (text:
Kālamocaṃ),3 and the native and
foreign ascetics and mendicants (sādhu santaphakīra phakeḍā (for phakira
phakaḍā))4 coming for that Śivarātrī festival (melā)
purchase with [an eye to] frugality, using [as close as possible] up to 35
morus (for mohararupaiyā̃s) of your
(lit. that) office's revenue, good-quality (asal) cannabis
(gājā for gā̃jā), write a note (calānī), disclosing weights and rates, clear it in full [and]
send [the goods] so that [they] reach the Guṭhī Bandobasta
Aḍḍā under [Śrī 3 Sarkāra]5 by the month of Pauṣa. Take charge of the goods that
correspond to the calānī. The cost will be reimbursed through the
said [Guṭhī Bandobasta?] Aḍḍā.6 Let there be no scarcity of
Sunday, the 2nd of the dark fortnight of Kārtika in the [Vikrama] era year 1959
(1902 CE).8
The above details and date [are also] valid for West no. 1 Bakyautā Aḍḍā.
A month after this document, in Mārga, a similar order was sent to the West no. 3
Bakyautā Aḍḍā (see K_0655_0030). For documents relating to the
akhāḍās' cannabis supply for the previous year, see K_0642_0024
and K_0642_0025. For a later example from VS 1968, see K_0382_0039.
A purjī from Bhīma Śamśera to the Guṭhī Kharca
Aḍḍā (K_0656_0029), dated Sunday, the 11th of the bright fortnight of Māgha
in the [Vikrama] era year 1959 (1903 CE),9 gives some figures on the quantities of cannabis sent by the
offices addressed and the sums to be refunded (in the following, given in the order
of the tapasila of the purjī):
-West no. 3 Bakyautā [Tahasila Aḍḍā] is to receive a reimbursement of 10
morus (for mohararupaiyā̃s), 1 [sukā] 2 [ānās] for 17 dhārnīs (approx. 40.7 kg) of cannabis.10
-West no. 2 Bakyautā [Tahasila Aḍḍā] is to receive 27 [morus] 2
[sukās] for 15 dhārnīs (approx. 35.9
-West no. 1 Bakyautā [Tahasila Aḍḍā] records a remittance of 9
[morus] 2 [sukās] for 9
dhārnīs (approx. 21.4 kg), but it turned out to be only 8
dhārnīs 3 [seras?] (approx. 20.7? kg),
and the amount to be refunded was fixed at 8 [morus] 3
[sukās] 1 [ānā] 2 [? dāmas].
For the Śivarātrī of VS 1959, a total of about 97 kg of cannabis was collected, the
sum reimbursed amounting to about 46 morus.12
Such accounts also exist for subsequent years (by then using the different monetary
system of 100 paisās per moru). An
unfortunately only partially legible document from Bhīma Śamśera to the Guṭhī Kharca
Aḍḍā (K_0661_0027), dated Phālguna VS 1960 (1904),13 lists the following
-According to the calānī of the West no. 1 Bakyautā Tahasila Aḍḍā,
253 bundles (muṭhā) of cannabis had been purchased for 5
morus 25 [paisās], but according to the
Guṭhī Kharca Aḍḍā the weight was 7 dhārnīs 3 [pāus?] (approx. 17.3 kg),14 and with the rate being calculated as
72 [paisās] 1 [dāma] for 1
dhārnī, the order was given to reimburse only 5
morus 23 [paisās] 2
-The calānī of the West no. 2 Bakyautā Tahasila Aḍḍā claimed that
8 dhārnīs (approx. 19.1 kg) had been purchased for 18
morus at the [much higher] rate of 2 morus
25 [paisās] for 1 dhārnī. When the sent
cannabis was reweighed by the Guṭhī Kharca Aḍḍā the weight was found to be less than
6 dhārnīs15 (approx. 14 kg) and on the basis of the rate
given in the calānī only 12 morus 84
[paisās] 1 [dāma] were to be refunded.
-The calānī of the West no. 3 Bakyautā Tahasila Aḍḍā reported that
9 dhārnīs (approx. 21.5 kg) (at the rate of 1
moru 50 [paisās] per
dhārnī) had been purchased for 13 morus 50
[paisās]. However, after the cannabis was found to be 9
dhārnīs 2 [seras?] with the rate
recalculated as 1 moru 39 [paisās] 3
[dāmas] per dhārnī, the Guṭhī Kharca Aḍḍā
was ordered to refund only 13 morus 48 [paisās]
3 [dāmas].
-Finally, the East no. 1 Bakyautā Tahasila Aḍḍā was charged 3
morus 75 [paisās] for 1
dhārnī, 1 [sera] 2 [pāus]
of cannabis purchased at the rate of 2 morus 50
[paisās] per dhārnī. After reweighing and
recalculating the rate,16 the amount to be refunded was set at 3
morus, 74 [paisās] 3
For the Śivarātrī of VS 1960, a total of about 57 kg of cannabis was collected,
reimbursed with about 35 morus.18
For the Śivarātrī festival of the following year, VS 1961, the amounts and rates
again vary. In another purjī from Bhīma Śamśera to the Guṭhī
Kharca Aḍḍā (K_0666_0031), dated Vaiśākha VS 196[2] (1905),19 the following
details are provided:
-West no. 1 Bakyautā Tahasila Aḍḍā had bought 6 dhārnīs (approx.
14.4 kg) of cannabis (at the rate of 50 [paisās] for 1
dharnī) and [without any discussion] the amount to be refunded
was set at 3 morus.
-West no. 2 Bakyautā Tahasila Aḍḍā was charged 14 dhārnīs (approx.
33.5 kg) purchased for 30 morus. But the weight determined by the
Guṭhī Kharca Aḍḍā was 1 dhārnī 2 seras less
(approx. 31.9 kg)20 and the
refund was set at 26 morus 40 paisās.
-West no. 3 Bakyautā Tahasila Aḍḍā was charged 23½ dhārnīs (23
dhārnīs 1 sera 2 pāus,
approx. 56.2 kg) purchased (at the rate of 1 moru 12
[paisās] 2 [dāmas] for 1
dharnī) for 26 morus 43
[paisās] 3 [dāmas]. On reweighing the
cannabis, the Guṭhī Kharca Aḍḍā determined that the weight was only 22
dhārnīs 1 [sera] 3 [pāus]
(approx. 53.9 kg) and set the amount to be reimbursed at 25 morus
40 [paisās] 2 [dāmas].
Thus, for the Śivarātrī of VS 1961, a total of about 100 kg of cannabis was
collected, and the sum reimbursed about 55 morus.
1. This number was added by a later hand (the NGMPP cataloguer?)
using Arabic numerals. It refers to the position of the document in a batch of 137
documents from VS 1959 within a bundle of the "3 Sa. Gu. Ban." (Śrī 3 Sarkāra (?)
Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍā), microfilmed from
(no. 1) up to
K_0656_0056 (no. 137) (cf. the registration number on the catalogue
[⇑] 2. This is the old registration number on which the new number
(see previous note) is based. The fact that the old and new numbers differ
slightly due to different counting methods is documented in other batches (see
K_0642_0024 note 2).
[⇑] 3. There are four so-called
"wrestling grounds" (
akhāḍās) at Kālamocanaghāṭa related to
four different ascetic traditions, namely the Śaiva
Daśanāmīs and
Nāthas, the Vaiṣṇava
Vairāgīs and the Sikh-affiliated
Udāsīs (see also
K_0395_0065 esp. n. 5).
[⇑] 5. Inserted from the space above
the main text..
[⇑] 6. Other documents (see Commentary)
suggest that the actual reimbursement was carried out by the
Guṭhī Kharca Aḍḍā after it had received instructions to do so from the
Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍā. See also
[⇑] 7. Alternatively, one could also translate: "Let there be
no loss [for your office] because of the cannabis" , but a subsequent sentence in
K_0382_0039 and
K_0661_0003 make the reading given in the translation more
[⇑] 8. The date corresponds to 19 October 1902.
[⇑] 9. The date corresponds to 8
February 1903.
[⇑] 10. The
tapasila lists two batches: one of 13
dhārnīs of good-quality (
asala) cannabis
for 8 [
morus] 3 [
sukās] 1
ānā] and a second of 4
dhārnīs of common
quality (
majhaulā) for 1 [
moru] 2
sukās] 1 [
[⇑] 11. Again two batches are listed: one of 9
dhārnīs 2 [
seras] 2 [
pāus] of good-quality (
asala) cannabis for
19 [
morus,] 3 [
sukās] 1
ānā], and a second batch of 5
dhārnīs 2
seras] 2 [
pāus] of common quality
majhaulā) for 1 [
moru] 2
sukās] 1 [
[⇑] 12. A few
months after the said Śivarātrī—according to the NGMPP catalogue card, on
Saturday, the 13th [
gate] of Āṣāḍha, VS 1960 (i.e. 27 June
1903)—Bhīma Śamśera issued a
purjī to the Guṭhī Kharca Aḍḍā
K_0660_0019) stating that of the 40
dhārnīs 2
seras] of cannabis collected by the three Western Bakyautā
Tahasila Aḍḍās mentioned above, only 14
dhārnīs 2
seras] 3 [
pāus] were consumed during the
Śivarātrī festival. The
purjī then orders that the remaining 25
dhārnīs 2 [
seras] 1 [?
pāu] be given to the head (
of the Vairāgī
akhāḍā in the presence the
jā̃cakīḍiṭṭhā as witness. Unfortunately, the end of the document
(including the eschatocol) is not legible in the available photograph.
[⇑] 13. According to the
NGMPP catalogue card, the document was issued on Tuesday, the 5th of Phālguna
(i.e. 16 February 1904), but in the document photographed as K 661/27 no numbers
are given for
gate and
vara in the
eschatocol. The full date may be found, though, in another part of the document,
illegible in the photograph (see note 19 below).
[⇑] 14. The weight is given as
dhārnīs 7 ' 3".
[⇑] 15. The exact weight is given as "5 ' 2 2",
here probably meaning 5
dhārnīs 2
seras 2
[⇑] 16. The Guṭhī Kharca Aḍḍā determined the weight
as "
dhārnī 1 ' 2 ।" and recalculated the rate as 2
morus] 14 [
paisās] per
[⇑] 17. For this consignment of cannabis, the
only one from an Eastern Bakyautā Tahasila Aḍḍā during VS 1959-1961, see also the
Commentary on
[⇑] 18. In contrast to
the accounts of VS 1959, no information is given on the quality of the
[⇑] 19. In the
eschatocol of this
purjī, the [VS] era year is erroneously
given as "1961", and again (cf. note 13 above)
gate and
vara are not specified, but a note to the right of the
beginning of the
tapasila section states that the issue
was resolved on Saturday, the 31st solar day (
gate) of
Vaiśākha, [VS 19]62 (this date corresponds to 13 May 1905).
[⇑] 20. The cannabis sent by this office consisted of two
batches (of different quality?): 9 (and not 10 as stated in the
dharnīs purchased at a rate of 2
morus] 10 [
paisās] per
dhārnī, a total of 18 [
morus] 90
paisās], and 3
dharnīs 1
sera] (instead of 4
dharnīs as given in
calānī) purchased at a rate of 2 [
25 [
paisās] per
dhārnī, a total of 7
morus] 50 [