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A copy of a lālamohara granting Raṅganātha Pauḍyāla a house at Kathmandu’s Indracoka and further real property [VS 1861]

ID: K_0096_0012

Edited and translated by Simon Cubelic in collaboration with Rajan Khatiwoda
Created: 2017-06-23; Last modified: 2018-06-21
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2017. Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


This lālamohara records the grant of a house at Indracoka, Kathmandu, to Raṅganātha Pauḍyāla along with other real property—such as further houses, building land, fields and water mills—in other places of Nepal.

Diplomatic edition





1आगे­ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ लाइ­सम्वत्­१८६१­साल­चैत्र­शुदि­१­रोज­का­दिनमा­इन्द्रचौकमा­कान्तीस्वर­भयाको­घर­





Venerable Guru Paṇḍitarāja Raṅganātha Paṇḍita

Āge: We have granted to --- (i.e., Venerable Guru Paṇḍitarāja Raṅganātha Paṇḍita) as a birtābitalapa exempted from all taxes the house at [the temple of] Kāntīśvara at Indracoka, including its curtilage, after kuśa and water were brought and a saṃkalpa was performed on a clod [from the plot] on,2 the 1st day of the bright fortnight of Caitra in the [Vikrama] era year 1861. It has the [following] border demarcations: in the east, the plot (gharabārī) of a Kashmiri, the path to Makhana Ṭola, the house of Siromaṇi Arjyāl, the house on the near side of the house of a sālamī; in the south, the house of the sālamī, the house of a Newar, the house of Bhagavāna,3 the house of Lakṣmidhara Upādhyā; in the west, the plot of the Newar [and] the main path; in the north, the house of a devabrahmin,4 the house and the rest house (sattala) of Gaṅgāputra and Hanu Malla, the rest house [and] house of a kusalyā. In issuing [this] lālamohara, we grant the house at [the temple of] Kāntīśvara within these four boundaries—in total, a house [plot] [measuring] 61 khās and 3 javās on both sides of the main path, a homestead field (bārī) [measuring] 6 khās, 2 javās and 12 hātas, [and] a plot for [future] house [construction measuring] 14 khās and 4½ hātas, and additionally (lāgāyata) [we grant] 4 houses on the Gāmacā village heights, 1 water mill at Māgala, building land, a homestead field and a house on the further side of [where the?] Bojamuḍā5 [comes] together with the Ṭukucā [River], 1 water mill at Pathali, 7 houses in the Boḍe area and the village called Āmacaura in Gorkha—[all this] as a birtābitalapa exempted from all taxes.


The present document does not specify who authorized the grant to Raṅganātha Paṇḍita who is commonly known as Raṅganātha Pauḍyāla (e.g. Pauḍela VS 2072). As it is the copy of a lālamohara, one can assume that it was issued by King Gīrvāṇayuddha Vikrama Śāha (r. 1799–1816). The document is dated 1805, only one year after Raṅganātha, who had entered upon service to Raṇabahādura in 1800 (cf. Whelpton 1991: 37), returned from his exile in Benares and became a rājaguru at the Nepalese court. The considerable amount of property transferred to Raṅganātha through this document reflects the influential position he had attained by that time.


1. The meaning of this number is unclear and may have been assigned for archival purposes. []

2. There is a lacuna in the original. []

3. This may refer to a deity. []

4. This may refer to the group of Newar Brahmins otherwise called deo bhāju. []

5. The meaning of this term is unclear. It may be the name of a small stream. []