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A note from the Mulukī Aḍḍā to the Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍā re the serving of meat during Baḍādasaĩ (VS 1967)

ID: K_0128_0057

Edited and translated by Astrid Zotter
Created: 2019-05-20; Last modified: 2019-10-25
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2019. Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


In this note the Mulukī Aḍḍā informs the Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍā under Śrī 5 Sarkāra that it has passed along a request for authorization for an report in connection with serving bread instead of meat at the public kitchen (pākaśālā) of Lakṣmeśvara on the occasion of the Baḍādasaĩ festival.

Diplomatic edition




[seal of the Mulukī Aḍḍā]

2¯ १¯ ¯तर्फ­गुठी­वंदोवस्त­अडाके­लक्ष्मेश्वरपाकसालामा­भात­षाने­गरीवगुरुव़ाहरुलाई­




Śrī 5 Sarkāra

From the Mulukī Aḍḍā

To the Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍā under [Śrī 5 Sarkāra]2

The Guṭhī Kharca Aḍḍā [recently] communicated [to your office]: "May we receive consent (nikāsā) to buy bread instead of—as was traditionally practised during Baḍādasaĩ—feeding meat to the poor who take [their] meals at the public kitchen (pākaśālā) of Lakṣmeśvara." Thereupon your (lit. "that") office, sanctioning [this request], asked for consent to the Gu[ṭhī] Ban[dobasta Aḍḍā] report on annual spending, sent to our (lit. "this") office, from the [Vikrama] era [year 19]64. Our office has submitted to the Mulukī Bandobasta, together with an official letter (lekhauṭ), [a request] to have the consent given quickly. This is the reason why your office is now being written to. Perform the task of [helping to] get consent for this report under an expedited procedure (taratākīti) at the Mulukī Bandobasta.

Thursday, the 21st solar day (gate) of the month of Śrāvaṇa in the [Vikrama era] year [19]67 (1910 CE). Auspiciousness.


The present document is the 16th of 33 items in a batch registered under the shelf mark Po. 5 Ga and microfilmed under from K_0128_0042 to K_0129_0009. Issued in the years VS 1965 to VS 1968 by different offices and concerning different guṭhi affairs, the documents were glued or otherwise joined together at their upper and lower margins into what must have formed a long roll or folded stack so as to be able to store the whole set without risking the loss of individual items.

The document pertains to an official determination to serve bread instead of meat on the occasion of the autumnal Dasaĩ festival at a public kitchen (pākaśāla). The beginning of the administrative process dates back to the year VS 1964 (1908 CE), as revealed by a reference in the present document to a report by the Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍā, and as also stated in a purjī sent from the Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍā to the Guṭhī Kharca Aḍḍā in the month of Phālguna of that year (i.e. February/March 1908; see K_0351_0071), in which additional information is requested, probably in order to prepare the said report. An earlier purjī to the Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍā setting the whole process in motion is also extant (K_0351_0072, dated Monday, 28th solar day of Māgha in VS 1964).

The public kitchen concerned is the Lakṣmeśvarapākaśāla, which must have been attached to the Lakṣmeśvaramahādeva temple at Ṭeku. For more on this temple and on meat being replaced by vegetarian meals in its public kitchen, see the Commentary to K_0351_0071.


1. This invocation and the following "Śrī 5 Sarkāra" are not visible in the microfilm reproduction of the document. Both lines were covered by parts of the previous document when the folios were glued together. They can, however, be restored with certainty, as they shimmer through so as to be faintly visible in the lower margin of the photo of K_0128_0056. []

2. Inserted from the supplied reading in the space above. []