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A petition by people of Kirtipur whose noses were cut off to have the status of land restored to them upgraded

ID: PD_0002_0001

Edited and translated by Bal Gopal Shrestha in collaboration with Ramhari Timalsina and Manik Bajracharya
Created: 2017-04-23; Last modified: 2018-10-22
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2018. Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


This document relates to a petition by people of Kirtipur whose noses had been cut off and whose land had been seized. These people had been directed to show up in person at the Kausī in order to register the amount of revenue due on land they had afterwards been provided, but many of them did not do so, which prompted the authority to penalize the whole group. The present document testifies to a later, undated decision that determined that their land was not to enjoy the same status as that of others in the Valley who had had land restored to them.

Diplomatic edition



10नेलाई­पै­रु­ ।। जाच­नदिने­अत्येह्रि­भनी­दवल्­पै­रु­१­तिरो­



Uprānta: Mahārāja, most gracious one, ocean of compassion! “Glorious King Pṛthvīnārāyaṇa, after his entrance into Nepal, restored birta lands of the three cities. ''May we people of Kirtipur who lost birta lands and whose noses were cut off have [our] birta lands restored, as [occurred] in the three cities.” [Thus] a petition was made. [The king] had given an order whereby the people whose noses were cut off lost their birtā land because they [participated in] killing Kālu Pā̃ḍe1 . Each of them was granted 2 ropanīs of pākho or ṭārakheta, the total amount of the land given being 1,000 ropanīs. Later, after they [started] cultivating it, and using and enjoying its fruits, the kausī summoned them to register revenue on the kheta [etc.]; some of them came in for an assessment, but some did not. Therefore, the kausī took them into custody and fined those who allowed an assessment half a rupee, and those who did not double the amount, 1 rupee. [This money], once on the books, was added to the salary of the gurujyū as a khuvā. The kheta [etc.] which glorious Pṛthvīnārān granted when he entered into Nepal and restored the birta lands are not raikara lands. [Therefore], these lands should not be measured considering raikara lands. The decision [in the form] of a marji should be sent the Nāpajāca (i.e. measurement and assessment) office, as My Lord commands [in the marji]!


This document has as its background the episode during which people in Kirtipur had their noses cut off on the orders of Pṛthvīnārāyaṇa Śāha after he conquered the town in 1768 (Shrestha 2016). Additional related documentary evidence is made reference to in Shrestha 2018 Shrestha 2018.

This petition by the people of Kirtipur whose noses were cut off and whose land was confiscated, or by the progeny of such people, is not dated, so that it is unclear which authority this petition was submitted to; the creator of the document is also obscure. The document tells of an appeal made by certain people of Kirtipur not to measure and assess their land as raikara. According to it, King Pṛthvīnārāyaṇa had ordered the noses of some people of Kirtipur cut off and their land seized because they had a part in the killing of Kālu Pā̃ḍe during the war. After confiscating the land, King Pṛthvīnārāyaṇa provided each of them 2 ropanīs of land. The total amount of land given by the king was 1,000 ropanīs, so that the number of people who had their nose cut off and who benefited from the donation was 500. The document reveals that these people were directed to show up in person at the Kausī to register the revenue due on the land provided, but many of them did not do so, which prompted the office to penalize them. In the end, the petition failed in its goal.

Many historians have added their weight to establishing the veracity of the incident involving noses being cut off (see, for instance, Baral 1964: 248, Father Giuseppe 1799:319, Panta 2073, Panta 2074 etc.). Others, however, have regarded it as either wholly untrue or overstated (e.g. Saurabh 2014). This incident is mentioned in a later chronicle of Nepal (Bajracharya and Michaels 2016a: 116 and Bajracharya and Michaels 2016b: 134).


1. The name is misspelled in the original as Kālu Pādhyā. []