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A letter sent by Second General Jaya Bahādūra Kũvara Rāṇā to his brother Prime Minister Jaṅga Bahādūra Rāṇā re the arrival of an earlier letter, his and the king's well-being and a request for further instructions (VS 1907)

ID: DNA_0001_0039

Edited and translated by Axel Michaels in collaboration with Simon Cubelic, Rajan Khatiwoda
Created: 2015-02-19; Last modified: 2020-09-15
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2017. Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


This letter was written by Second General Jaya Bahādūra Kũvara Rāṇā to his brother Prime Minister Jaṅga Bahādūra Rāṇā upon the latter's arrival in Bombay during his return journey from Europe. Jaya Bahādūra Kũvara Rāṇā refers to a letter from Jaṅga Bahādūra Rāṇā he had received, reports on the well-being of the king and announces an upcoming royal letter that will contain further information. He asks his brother to reply with details of his health and with further instructions.

Diplomatic edition




[no seal]

4प्रान्त­•वम्वैको­चीठी­¯ ¯ ¯१¯ ¯­लाई­•आउंदा­दर्सन्‌­पायाझैँ­मनमा­वहुत­•आनन्द­लाग्यो­•कहीले­•चरणको­दर्शन्‌­पाउंला­र­•सवै­दुःख­संताप­छुट्‌ला­•आनन्द­हो
5ला­भन्न्या­•वारंवार­मनमा­ध्यान­लाग्याको­छ­•ञाहाँ­र­¯ ¯ ¯२¯ ¯­प्रभृति­हमीहरू­सव­जना­आनन्द­छौँ­•अरू­विस्तार­वडापत्रवाट­जाहेर­होला­ज्यादा­गा



No. 39

1Śrī 5 sarkāra

[no seal]

Hail! This letter [is sent] from here by a venerable prince born of a prince, Second General Jaya Bahādura Kũvara Rāṇā, together with hundreds of acts of service and crores and crores of salutations to the lotus feet of [my] elder brother, thrice venerableJaṅga Bahādura Kũvara Rāṇā, Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief, who is a prince born of a prince, [and] who has defeated a multitude of enemies with [his] dreadful sword held in [his] two lotus arms.

By [your] kindness there, we are fine and happy here. [If everything at] your feet there is fine and auspicious, we [too] will be elevated. Furthermore, tidings here are good.

[Regarding the] following: When [your] letter from Bombay reached ---1---1 I felt enormous joy in [my] heart as if I had seen you. Time and again [the following thought] has entered my mind: "When will I see [your] feet and be rid of all misery and sorrow?" Here all of us starting with ---2--- (i.e., śrī 5 sarkāra) are fine. Other details will be made known [to you] through a royal letter (baḍāpatra). Moreover, if you send us [a letter with information on your] corporal well-being and [with] instructions, we will be protected. What else [to say] to the knowledgeable?

Wednesday, the 14th of the bright fortnight of Mārga, in the [Vikrama] year 1907 (1850 CE). Auspiciousness.


1. Reference missing in the original. []