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A letter from Jīvanātha Śarmā to Prime Minister Jaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā re the erection of a śivaliṅga by women (VS 1920)

ID: DNA_0004_0018

Edited and translated by Axel Michaels in collaboration with Manik Bajracharya and Rajan Khatiwoda
Created: 2015-02-18; Last modified: 2018-06-18
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2018. Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


This letter sent by Jīvanātha Śarmā from Benares to Prime Minister Jaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā reports about a dispute among paṇḍitas of a dharmasabhā over whether women should be allowed to erect a śivaliṅga by touching it.

Diplomatic edition




7कार्त्तिक­वदि­२­रोज­२­का­दिन­आइपुग्यो­•अर्थविस्तार­मालुम­भयो­¯ ¯१­¯स्थापन


40हुन्­•धर्म­हेर्न्या­होइनन्­•आजकाल­नदिया­सान्तिपुरवाट­स्त्रीलाइ­•¯ ¯१­¯स्थापन­गर्न­हुदै
55म्­¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯



No. 357

Śivaliṅga 1

Hail. This is a letter [written] with the good blessings of Jīvanātha Śarmā to triply glorious and favoured Mahārāja Sir Jaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā, who holds very formidable power in his arms etc., GCB thoṅ. lin. pim. māko. kāṅ. vāṅ. syān1 Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief, who is always victorious in battle.

By your meritorious dignity [everything] here is fine and pleasant. I will be protected if with you there [everything] is always fine and pleasant. Āge: the tidings here are well.

Uprānta: The rukkā, which was written by you in your kindness on Wednesday, the 5th day of the bright half of Āśvina, reached [here] on Monday, the 2nd of the dark half of Kārttika. The purport of the details is understood.

The order has come from you [that begins with the words] ‘Because of the dispute over establishing -1- (a śivaliṅga), I have been grievously tormented in my mind. Will this torment disappear or not?’ From the mouth of paṇḍitas never comes an admission [of mistakes]. They keep on fighting. Since they never come to an agreement, a mediator needs to be appointed. A decision was made after you had fixed as mediators in this matter the king on the other side (pāravāla, i.e.Ramnagar on the other side of the Gaṅgā)2 and his dharmasabhā. Whatever is concluded by these mediators needs to be accepted by the paṇḍitas of both sides. One [side] must not say, ‘We don't accept [that].’ [Regarding] the meaning of words of prohibition from various scriptures, these are all general statements of prohibition [no matter] how many words of prohibition there are. [Thus] whatever prohibitory statements have been made [in the smṛti] for women who have no orders from their husband, no saṃskāra (i.e., are not married), [and] no initiation [for the daily worship], there is unanimity in all these mandatory injunctions. [However,] Rājārāma Śāstrī3 [and] Bāla Śāstrī4 could not provide a meaningful interpretation [of the scriptures] when they were asked by the paṇḍitas of the dharmasabhā to explain what kind of women are allowed to establish [a śivaliṅga], given the fact that there are so many mandatory injunctions which allow [married women] to establish [one only] by order of their husband.

They [both] stood up and went to their respective houses. The next day they returned with a ritual handbook [confirming their position]. In it was written that a yajamāna is not allowed to do any work by his own hand; whatever is to be done should be done [only] through the priest. This handbook was not accepted as probative authority in the assembly. That day passed, [and] the next day Rājārāma Śāstrī and Bāla Śāstrī did not come to the assembly (even) after an invitation had been sent to them.


They sent [a message back] through the reputable (lit. great person: mahājana) Harican Bābu, who said: ‘If you want your vyavasthāpatra5 criticized, send it to our houses. We will return it to you after criticizing it [ourselves]." The paṇḍitas sitting in the dharmasabhā replied: "Let them (the two Śāstrīs) send a vyavasthāpatra which denies permission; we will in turn criticize [their decision].’

‘What proof is consensus [reached] among such biased paṇḍitas? They need not agree. I don't expect any consensus from them. Prepare the vyavasthāpatra!’ [Thus] the king from the other side ordered a vyavasthāpatra, which was dispatched to you. Through this everything will be known. From now on whenever the king on the other side − who has himself no interest in money or cowries − assembles all the paṇḍitas in his dharmasabhā and a decision is made through consensus among [those] paṇḍitas, then this is [enough] proof. [By contrast,] a vyavasthāpatra signed by persons of one's own liking who have agreed after taking bribes cannot be considered as proof. If given a lot of money, today's paṇḍitas agree on all topics. They don't think about what dharma is and [what] adharma [is]. In petty things they have reached consensus on both sides at various places. In something of very great importance, too, they once took money and reached consensus in a vyavasthāpatra to the king of Jaipur, saying that the doctrine of Rāmānuja ascetics (raṅgācāri) is not taught in the Veda. After the raṅgācāris gave [them] a lot of money, they (the paṇḍitas) also reached consensus in a vyavasthāpatra to the raṅgācāris, saying that the doctrine of Rāmānuja is taught in the Veda. They are ones who agree because of money; they do not consider the dharma.

These days it is heard that [these two paṇḍitas] asked for a vyavasthāpatra to be sent from Nadiyā Śāntipura (a university in Bengal?) − [one] stating that no woman is allowed to establish -1- (a śivaliṅga). The packages that I am sending now contain all the vyavasthāpatras in which consensus was reached. Before them, I also had sent my people to generate consensus among paṇḍitas from the following three places: Kalkattā Pāṭhaśālā, Bhāṭapārā and Nadiyā Śāntipura. Meanwhile I have heard that the vyavasthāpatra from Nadiyā Śāntipura has arrived at [the seat of your] government, and being afraid of incurring [too] many expenses, I put a stop to [my order] of [another] vyavasthāpatra from Nadiyā Śāntipura. The vyavasthāpatras given by the Kalkattā Pāṭhaśālā and Bhāṭapārā are with me. If this needs further work I will send it to you upon your orders. As long as clear of prohibition are not found in the smṛti to the effect, explicitly, that women have absolutely no right [to establish a śivaliṅga] regardless of their husband’s orders, of their being married and of their having heard the mantra [of initiation], it seems to me that you should not have any doubt regarding the customs which have always been practised. After all, you are the knowledgeable one. Your orders are [always] correct. What more can I say?

My suffering and poverty will disappear if you cast your compassionate eyes on me saying: ‘He is my well-wisher.’

Thus, on Friday the 12th day of the dark half of Kārttika, in the [Vikrama] era year 1920 (1863 CE). Residence: VārāṇasīRāmaghāṭa, Paṭanīmala Havelī. May it be auspicious.


1. Titles bestowed by the Chinese Emperor upon J.B. Rāṇā. See document No. 149, dated Nepal Residency, the 1st-7th (received 10th) November 1910 (Confidential) from: Lt. Col. J. Manners-Smith, VC, CIE, Resident in Nepal, to: The Secretary of the Government of India in the Foreign Department: "6. The Prime Minister could not say whether this title (i.e. Wang), or that of ‘Thong Lin Pin Mako Kang Wang Sian,’ which it has been the custom for the Chinese Government to bestow upon the Ruling Prime Ministers of Nepal, implies any acceptance of suzerainty on the part of Nepal. He suggests that this point could be best ascertained by a reference to the British Minister at Peking where the exact meaning of the titles may be known." (; see also Singh 2013: 261. []

2. Pāravāla denotes the king of Benares (Ishwari Prasad Narayan Singh), cf. jayapuravālā below for a similar word formation. []

3. Rājārāma Śāstrī was a prominent paṇḍita in Benares and the munsī of John Muir at the Benares Sanskrit College during his principalship 1844 to 1845; he called him "my old pandit in Benares" (Powell 2010: 101, 249). []

4. Bāla Śāstrī was apparently also one of the conservative paṇḍitas in Benares: "Others such as Raja Rama Shastri and Bala Shastri, wrote socially conservative texts that argued against the permissibility of widow remarriage (...) by reference, again, to authoritative Sanskrit texts" (Dodson 2005: 223); he is known as a grammarian. []

5. Vyavasthāpatra is a "discourse on controversial questions of Hindu law" (Sen/Mishra 1951: 1) or a written extract from the Dharmaśāstra, given in a decision by the paṇḍitas or dharmaśāstrins; cf. also Sharma 1957. []