Edited and
translated by Manik Bajracharya and Rajan Khatiwoda
in collaboration with
Axel Michaels
Created: 2016-10-03;
Last modified: 2018-06-18
For the metadata of the document, click here
Number 1881
Six-times venerable Bābājyū2 - 4
Venerable Māhilā Sāheba - 2
Venerable Sāhilā Sāheba
Venerable Kāhilā Sāheba - 3
Venerable General - 1
Hail! This is a letter from the venerable guru, royal paṇḍita and religious judge (dharmādhikāra) Nagendrarāja Paṇḍita—preceeded with a hundredfold blessings as uttered in the four Vedas—to the venerable Commander-in-Chief General Raṇa Uddīpa Siṃha Kũvara Rāṇā Varman, the prince born of a prince, the one who has defeated his enemies with his formidable sword, [and who is] adorned with his own lotus-arm-sceptre. We both are fine.
Uprānta: Here in the palaces of Thāpathali and Narāyaṇahiṭi, the generals are all well. We heard the news that there was a great panic caused by a fight between two elephants at the wedding there. Despite such disturbance nothing happened to anybody, thanks to your glorious merit. It turned out well. -4- (i.e., venerable Bābājyū) has written to us this detail: "Since nowadays in Banaras -2- (i.e., Māhilā Sāheba) has come to terms with -3- (i.e., Sāhilā Sāheba and Kāhilā Sāheba), he no longer says that he will return to Nepal. I do not have any such intention either." It would be good if you could continue to write about your health and condition. What else [to say] to the knowledgeable one?
Tuesday, the 1st of the dark fortnight of Phālguna in the Vikrama era year 1923 (1867 CE). Auspiciousness.
The issuer of this document, Nagendrarāja, was one of the 218 members of the Kausal (Council) that prepared the [Mulukī] Ain of 1854 (MA-KM VS 2022: 3). At that time, he was not yet the dharmādhikārin. This document has been published in Bajracharya/Khatiwoda/Michaels 2015: 104-105.