Edited by
Rajan Khatiwoda, Rajendra Shakya and Ravi Shakya
in collaboration with
Simon Cubelic
Created: 2020-06-02;
Last modified: 2022-03-01
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1[?][?]सवितर।।मिनरासि[?]चन्द्रमसि।।थुखुनु[...]न्द्रदेवसंस्काOn Friday, the 8th of the dark fortnight of Jyeṣṭha in NS 1009 (1888 CE), in honour of the west-facing Buddha enshrined in Subāhāḥ, Lakṣmīdhaṃ (text: Rakṣmidha) along with his wife Buddhalakṣmī (text: Burakṣmi) and the rest of his family installed a vajradhātumaṇḍala in the name of his parents Bhājupati and Herāmati. This donation was meant to contribute to the salvation of all the people in the world and lead to auspiciousness and to the welfare of the donors.
This is a record of the installation of a vajradhātumaṇḍala in the Subāhāḥ courtyard. Locally, a vajradhātumaṇḍala is called a dharmadhātu. Each image records only a part of the text. The text continues on the corresponding line of the next image. It is inscribed on three sides of this octagonal structure below the double lotus throne that serves as the base for the vajradhātumaṇḍala, a maṇḍala in the Vajrayāna tradition. The Niṣpannayogāvalī, a Sanskrit text on maṇḍalas, gives Vajradhātu as the name of the Dhyāni Buddha Vairocana in his form displaying four faces and eight arms and sitting on a lion (Bhattacharya 1949: 54). The vajradhātumaṇḍala has an important role in consecration rituals. At the time of the adhivāsana, when the deity is summoned and invited to enter into the image to be consecrated, nine bathing vessels are prepared by imbuing them with the presence of the 53 deities of the vajradhātumaṇḍala (von Rospatt 2010: 210).