A votive inscription on the backside of a moon image placed on top of the Buṅgadyaḥ chariot recording its donation by Dhiṃnara Noko and a clan of Deobhājus (NS 965)
ID: NHDP_0001_0156
Edited and
translated by Simon Cubelic and Rajan Khatiwoda
in collaboration with
Bharat Maharjan
Created: 2023-04-19;
Last modified: 2023-12-19
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Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of
Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2022.
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The inscription engraved on the back-side of an image of the moon records its donation by the Śākya monk Dhiṃnara Noko and a clan of Deobhājus of Lagankhel and mandates that the object is to be placed on top of the chariot during the annual procession.
Diplomatic edition
On the 8th of the dark fortnight of Sillāgā1 in the [Nepāla era] year 965, after the service on the eighth [lunar day]2 for the thrice glorious Karuṇamāya had been completed,
this moon-shaped item which was made to be mounted on the chariot was donated jointly by
the senior (jeṣtae?) Śākya monk venerable Dhiṃnara Noko, [living at a place] west (?) (yitā) of the platform at Lagankhel (text: Lagaṃ) and a single clan of Deobhājus of Lagankhel (text: Laga), Taḥ Bāhāḥ (text: Taovaha). It is obligatory to mount it every year during the chariot procession. No one shall act greedily to this object. Auspiciousness.
The inscription is engraved on the backside of an image of the moon made from copper and silver-coated on the front side (NHDP Object ID number LAL0001-028). The original object was donated by Dhiṃnara Noko and a clan of Deobhājus in 1845 and the silver-coating was carried out in 1951, as the inscription on the front part indicates (NHDP_0001_0157). On a photo taken on 02 May 2022 the silver coat was detached from the copper image.3 This object, together with an image of the sun (NHDP_0001_0158) and other items, is placed on the bāymvaḥ fixed on the top part of the chariot.
1. This lunar month corresponds to the months of Māgha/Phāguna.
[⇑] 2. This refers to the
aṣṭamivrata, a ritual for Bodhisattva Amoghapāśa Lokeśvara, a particular form of Avalokiteśvara (
Gutschow 1997, 77).