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A rukkā from King Rājendra to officials appointing Raṃjīta Giri as central overseer of sannyāsīs (VS 1898)

ID: DNA_0013_0059

Edited and translated by Christof Zotter
Created: 2015-02-16; Last modified: 2018-06-20
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2017. Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


This executive order from King Rājendra informs officials in the districts between the Sunkosi and Meci about the appointment of Raṃjīta Giri as central overseer (mahantamaṇḍalī) of sannyāsīs and orders them to collect the revenue (rakamakalama) for him.

Diplomatic edition



[royal seal]

1स्वस्ति­श्रीमन्महाराजाधि[?]­[?]क्का­¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯
7त्­१८९८­साल­मिति­प्र•­आश्वीन­सुदी­१४­रोज­४­शुभ्म्­ ¯¯ ¯



Venerable Durgājyū

Hail. [This is] an executive order of the supreme king of great kings.

To the subbās, subedāras, jamādāras, birtāvāras, bītalapyās, chāpachapyālīs, mohariyās, amālīdāras etc. throughout the kingdom (yeti rājyabharako) east of the Sunakosi and west of the Meci.

The [office of] central overseer (mahantamaṇḍalī)1 [of] sannyāsīs2 is granted to Raṃjīta Giri. Collect [for him] the revenue (rakamakalama) of the amalamāmula3 according to the contract (paṭṭā) [each] in your own territory. No one shall engage in anything in the way of favouritism, obstructive activity [or] altercation.

Wednesday, the 14th day of the waxing moon of First Āśvina, [Vikrama] era year 1898 (1841 CE). Auspiciousness.


The document is part of a series of similar missives addressing officials in other parts of the kingdom (cf. DNA_0015_0031, DNA_0016_0075). Also available is a royal edict to Raṃjīta Giri himself in which further details are specified (see DNA_0015_0033).

For the present document no image of the backside is available but probably it was signed by Abhīmāna Siṃ Rānā (cf. commentary to DNA_0016_0075).


1. The second part of the compound, maṇḍalī (from Skt. maṇḍala, "circle, circumference"), denotes a (regional) assembly or meeting (cf. Turner 1931: s.v. maṇḍalī) and the head of such group or, as Turner (ibid.) has it, "a powerful and influential man" (cf. the discussion of the term in Bouillier 1991: 18 n.13 where (with reference to Adhikary 1988) it is related to maṇḍalika or maṇḍaleśvara, a district governor under the Khas administration (for the rather recently introduced institution of the mahāmaṇḍaleśvara of the daśanāmī order, see Clark 2009: 76-79)). The term mahantamaṇḍalī could be translated as "the head of the assembly of mahants, or abbots". The translation presented above, however, follows the related documents (DNA_0015_0031 and DNA_0016_0075), which use the word °maṇḍalāi, a term denoting both the head of a maṇḍala or maṇḍalī and the corresponding office (cf. Parājulī et al. VS 2052: s.v. maṇḍala). []

2. The present translation takes into account both parallel documents (DNA_0015_0031 and DNA_0016_0075), which read "saṃnyāsiko". In the given context, the term sannyāsī refers not to ascetics in general but to the Śaiva ascetics of the daśanāmī order (cf. Burghart 1984: 167). []

3. The parallel passages in DNA_0015_0031 and DNA_0016_0075 have ambalamāmula but the variant amalamāmula seems to occur elsewhere, too (cf. M.C. Regmi 1973: 51: "Amal-Mamul (?)"). The first part of the compound (ambala or amala) denotes a dependent subdivision of a larger territorial unit (Parājulī et al. VS 2052: s.v. ambala). Regmi explains "mamuli" in some contexts as a levy for religious functions (e.g. M.C. Regmi 1979: 158; cf. also M.C. Regmi 1978: 861, on "Kot-mamuli"). Is amalamāmula, then, such a tax collected within a particular administrative area? []