Details for Edward Byles Cowell

NameEdward Byles Cowell
Notesalso known as: Kāvela;

born: 23 January 1826;

died: 9 February 1903;

gender: male;


the first professor of Sanskrit at Cambridge University and a noted translator of Persian poetry;

lived in Calcutta as a professor of English history at Presidency College between 1856 and 1867 and as principal of the Sanskrit College (1858-1864);

wiki:Edward_Byles_Cowell, viaf:19752874, gnd:116706015. #checked#

Name XML file Year reliable?
कावेलको DNA_0001_0021 1814 (VS 1871) yes
Kāvela DNA_0001_0021 1814 (VS 1871) yes
E.B. Cowell DNA_0001_0021 (n) 1814 (VS 1871) yes