
Notes var. kusalyā; n. untouchable caste fellows who have the profession of cleaning royal houses or courtyards and temples as well as playing musical instruments in the temples.The Mulukī Ain classifies the caste of Kusles as the 10th lowest (superior to Cyāmes, Poḍhes, Vādīs, Gāinyās, Damāī̃s, Kadārās, Kāmī, Sārkī, Kulu and Hindu Dhobī) among the Untouchable castes (MA-54.160.10).

In the former social setting, Kusles used to reside in a sataḥ, a two-story building made for the Jogīs to reside but not owned by them. Kusles use the surnames like Darśandhārī or Kapālī and live in such sataḥ (sataḥchẽ) built in almost every twāḥ or ṭola. They keep the records of the new births and deaths in the families of the neighborhood. The social responsibilities of the Jogī community include receiving the offerings from the families that are observing the purificatory rites after any new birth or death in the family. The Jogī community is offered nhaenumābva (a set of all the dishes prepared for the feast during the purificatory rite of the 7th day of the death in the family), sībva (similar set of dishes especially dedicated to the deceased), etc (Mali NS 1130: 223).
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