
Notes n. lit. "knowledge elder"; 1) a village headman responsible for local affairs such as the maintenance of law and order (M.R. Pant 2002: 133; Shaha 1982: 29). 2) an official at the royal palace, royal messenger and investigator (Whelpton 1991: 283). At an earlier time the jeṭhā-buḍhās, "elder statesmen, held intermittent positions as emissaries to district officials or to the courts of foreign states". By 1843 only one remained, described by Hodgson as the "personal attendant of (the) Rajah". A few years later, we find the jetha-budha under the Kadel Chowk with three sipahis under him; his name also is linked with the "chaya kotha" or tea room. By then his days of glory obviously were over“ (Edwards 1975: 107 ).
Type t.t.