
Notes [S.] n. 1) lit. "gift of a cow", ritual gift of a cow to a Brahmin or a certain amount of money gifted in its lieu. 2) fine paid by a person who committed an offense involving loss of caste to the dharmādhikāra or a Brahmin for expiation (MA-54 60.15). 3) one of the rāja aṅka levied country-wide to finance the ritual gift of cows at the royal palace, especially for expiation in royal death rituals, collected in 1806 when Raṇa Bahādura was assassinated and in 1866 when Gīrvāṇayuddha died. (M.C. Regmi 1970 (No. 6): 150 ; M.C. Regmi 2002: 299 ; M.C. Regmi 1978: 226; M.C. Regmi 1995: 29).
Type t.t.