Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3881 of 4012; total number of records: 80225
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0036_0468 A document granting ijārā on jāgira lands in Kathmandu valley etc. to Saitubuki (VS 1837) 1837 VS
RRC_0036_0469 A document re appointment of Narapati Dāsa as daphadarī subbā in Bijayapura (VS 1837) 1837 VS
RRC_0036_0470 A document re appointment of Jamādāra Rāma Candra Khavāsa as munasipha in areas east of Kanakā (VS 1837) 1837 VS
RRC_0036_0471 A document with regulations in name of Munasipha Rāma Candra (VS 1837) 1837 VS
RRC_0036_0472 A document granting ijārā on land and other revenues in Ṭokanī to Nanda Lāla Dāsa (VS 1837) 1837 VS
RRC_0036_0473 A document granting nānakara land to Kānugoye Nanda Lāla Dāsa in Ṭokanī (VS 1837) 1837 VS
RRC_0036_0474 A document confirming jāgira land granted by King of Makvānapura to Anupa Dhāmī (VS 1837) 1837 VS
RRC_0036_0475 A document appointing Abhaya Siṃha Khavāsa as phaujadara in Saptarī Mahottarī (VS 1837) 1837 VS
RRC_0036_0476 A rukkā dismissing Phaujadara Indramaṇī Basneta (VS 1837) 1837 VS
RRC_0036_0477 A document notifying officials of Saptarī Mahottarī on replacement of Indramaṇī Basneta (VS 1837) 1837 VS
RRC_0036_0478 A document assuring officials of Saptarī Mahottarī of promotion of their interest through Phaujadara Abhaya Siṃha (VS 1837) 1837 VS
RRC_0036_0479 A document re confiscation of lands of Kālu Pādhyā in Cisaṃkhu (VS 1838) 1838 VS
RRC_0036_0480 A document re salaries of military personnel at forts in Saptarī-Mahottarī (VS 1837) 1837 VS
RRC_0036_0481 A document directing Manavodha Caudharī and Satāra Caudharī to return from India (VS 1837) 1837 VS
RRC_0036_0482 A document directing Phaujadara Abhaya Siṃha and other to conduct settlement operations in Saptarī-Mahottarī (VS 1837) 1837 VS
RRC_0036_0483 A document re appointment of Khelapati Dāsa as peśkāra in Saptarī-Mahottarī (VS 1837) 1837 VS
RRC_0036_0484 A document re salary to house tax collector Kṛṣṇa Adhikārī and his staff in Patan (VS 1838) 1838 VS
RRC_0036_0485 A document re appointment of Bholā Dāsa and Pirthi Dāsa as nausindās in Saptarī-Mahottarī (VS 1837) 1837 VS
RRC_0036_0486 A document re appointment of Mānika Rāja Khavāsa and Biru Pādhyā as munasiphas in Saptarī Mahottarī (VS 1837) 1837 VS
RRC_0036_0487 A document re revenue regulations for Saptarī-Mahottarī in name of Phaujadara Abhaya Siṃha Khavāsa and other (VS 1837) 1837 VS
Displaying page 3881 of 4012; total number of records: 80225