Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3883 of 4012; total number of records: 80225
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0036_0508 A copy of document re Munsiffs Birabhadra Upādhyāya and Manirāja Khavāsa directed to affix signatures on land tax assessment records and handover those to Caudharī (VS 1838) 1838 VS
RRC_0036_0509 A copy of document re Subbā Pravala Rāṇā ordered to man outposts in areas west of Dudhkośī for providing reinforcements to Parvata when necessary unspecified unspecified
RRC_0036_0510 A copy of document re soldiers having households in areas west of the Dudhkośī and defending Bijayapura exempted from jhārā obligations unspecified unspecified
RRC_0036_0511 A copy of document re a number of soldiers to be placed under Subedāra Naurāga Malla and others and allocaiton of salaries unspecified unspecified
RRC_0036_0512 A copy of document re Vaṃsa Rāja Pā̃ḍe made reponsible for scrutiny of revenue records and for recommending issuance of clearance certificates (VS 1839) 1839 VS
RRC_0036_0513 A copy of document re local functionaries in thākathenī unspecified VS
RRC_0036_0514 A copy of document re bitalababirtā owning Brahmāṇa-s ordered to supply rice under Bisāmurī to Nuvākoṭa immediately (VS 1857) 1857 VS
RRC_0036_0515 A copy of document re complaint of Dinānātha Pādhyā that he had been falsely accused of accepting bribe by Dayā Rāma Caudharī (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0036_0516 A copy of document re Viṣṇu Pādhyā directed to make arrangements for collection of revenue arrears (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0036_0517 A copy of document re personnel of Śrīnātha company ordered to collect revenue arrears (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0036_0518 A copy of document re Dayā Rāma Caudharī reprimanded for lodging false allegations against Viṣṇu Pādhyā and for obstructing collection of revenue arrears (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0036_0519 A copy of document re scrutiny in areas between the Tāmākośī and Sindhu Mahādeva pokharī for revenue arrears and buried treasure (VS 1843) 1843 VS
RRC_0036_0520 A copy of document re scrutiny in areas between the Triśulī and Gaṇḍakī rivers for revenue arrears and buried treasure (VS 1843) 1843 VS
RRC_0036_0521 A copy of document re Bisonīdhī Tivārī etc reprimanded for oppressing tenants under ijārā and directed to handover unauthorized amounts so collected (VS 1843) 1843 VS
RRC_0036_0522 A copy of document re land tax assessment rates confirmed in Parsā (VS 1843) 1843 VS
RRC_0036_0523 A copy of document re restoration of bandha and birtā lands of Nevāra-s and others, confiscated during fall of Kāskī (VS 1857) 1857 VS
RRC_0036_0524 A copy of document re restoration of bandha and birtā lands of Nevāra-s and others, confiscated during fall of Laṃjuṅa (VS 1857) 1857 VS
RRC_0036_0525 A copy of document re restoration of bandha and birtā lands of Nevāra-s and others, confiscated during fall of Paravata (VS 1857) 1857 VS
RRC_0036_0526 A copy of document re restoration of bandha and birtā lands of Nevāra-s and others, confiscated during fall of Tanahũ (VS 1857) 1857 VS
RRC_0036_0527 A copy of document re restoration of bandha and birtā lands of Nevāra-s and others, confiscated during fall of Nuvākoṭa (VS 1857) 1857 VS
Displaying page 3883 of 4012; total number of records: 80225