Identifier | Short title | Year | Actions |
DNA_0010_0105 | A lālamohara from King Rājendra to officers re the conspiracy against Bhīmsena Thāpā (VS 1900) | 1900 VS | |
DNA_0010_0106 | A rukkā from the king mandating palace approval for all public activities in temples (VS 1897) | 1897 VS | |
DNA_0010_0107 | A mohara tāmrapatra from King Rājendra granting kheta-ghaḍeri to H. Bhaṭṭa as birtā (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
DNA_0010_0108 | A lālamohara of King Rājendra granting birtā lands to Indīvara Jośī to form a guthi (VS 1875) | 1875 VS | |
DNA_0010_0109 | A lālamohara from King Rājendra fixing the boundaries of Udayānanda Paṇḍit's birtā land (VS 1887) | 1887 VS | |
DNA_0010_0110 | A rukkā from the king ordering Kājī K. Pāḍe etc. to pay Rs. 2,750 tanukhāha to Bh. Basnyāt (VS 1897) | 1897 VS | |
DNA_0010_0111 | A rukkā from King Rājendra ordering Lakṣmīdāsa to buy rice for later sale to the people of Bhaktapur (VS 1897) | 1897 VS | |
DNA_0010_0112 | A rukkā from the king ordering Dhana Sundara to buy rice for later sale to subjects (VS 1897) | 1897 VS | |
DNA_0010_0113 | A mohara tāmrapatra from King Rājendra granting a house and shop to Indīvara Jośī as birtā (VS 1875) | 1875 VS | |
DNA_0010_0114 | A mohara tāmrapatra from King Rājendra granting a house as birtā to Vira Bhadra Kuvãra (VS 1887) | 1887 VS | |
DNA_0010_0115 | A patra from King Rājendra to Śrī Vāmana Rūpa Pujāhārī Svāmijī re received prasāda (VS 1894) | 1894 VS | |
DNA_0010_0116 | A rukkā from the king ordering a tanukhāha payment for vaidya-s and Vaidyakhānā employees (VS 1900) | 1900 VS | |
DNA_0010_0117 | A lālamohara from King Gīrvāṇayuddha containing administrative directives to 14 named officials (VS 1863) | 1863 VS | |
DNA_0010_0118 | A rukkā from the king ordering Kapardāra D.B. Pāṇḍe to pay his share of bālī for pajanī (VS 1899) | 1899 VS | |
DNA_0010_0119 | A mohara tāmrapatra from King Rājendra naming Raṇavīra Siṁha Thāpā to lead a pauvā trust (VS 1890) | 1890 VS | |
DNA_0011_0001 | A lālamohara from King Surendra approving the sale of birtā houses in Bhādgaũ (VS 1910) | 1910 VS | |
DNA_0011_0002 | A lālamohara from King Surendra approving the exchange of sunā-birtā houses in Jyāṭhā (VS 1910) | 1910 VS | |
DNA_0011_0003 | A lālamohara from King Surendra approving the sale of a house to Ḍ.N. Jyāpū as sunā-birtā (VS 1910) | 1910 VS | |
DNA_0011_0004 | A lālamohara from King Surendra approving the mutual exchange of birtā houses (VS 1910) | 1910 VS | |
DNA_0011_0005 | A lālamohara from King Surendra approving the sale of a birtā by Harṣamān Lohakarmī (VS 1910) | 1910 VS | |