Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 103 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
DNA_0022_0012 A krayapatra recording Jayarudrasiṃṅa Bhāro's purchase of land from Gvavindrasiṃṅa Bhāro (NS 840) 840 NS
DNA_0022_0013 A krayapatra recording Śṛṣirikāra Jikittisiṃha Bhāro's purchase of land from Kamarasiṃha Bhikṣu (NS 695) 695 NS
DNA_0022_0014 A krayapatra recording Āśateja Thakura Prajāpati's purchase of land from Bhikṣu Amṛtarāja (NS 750) 750 NS
DNA_0022_0015 A krayapatra recording Mālākāra Nikitana's purchase of land from Mālākāra Somamatīsaka (NS 515) 515 NS
DNA_0022_0016 A krayapatra recording Jñāneśvarī Lakṣmī Mayī's purchase of land from Viṣṇusiṃha Prajāpati (NS 889) 889 NS
DNA_0022_0017 A krayapatra recording Nehmaṃ Phukiṃja's purchase of a house from Satyarāma Bhāro (NS 789) 789 NS
DNA_0022_0018 A krayapatra recording Bhikṣu Rūpasiṃha's purchase of a house from Gaṃgāmātrā (NS 749) 749 NS
DNA_0022_0019 A krayapatra recording Jagajyoti Śākyavaṃśa's purchase of a house from Raṅādeva Śākyavaṃśa (NS 845) 845 NS
DNA_0022_0020 A krayapatra recording Sirāma Bhāro's purchase of land from Balirāma Bhāvo (NS 777) 777 NS
DNA_0022_0021 A krayapatra recording Āśateja Thakura Prajāpati's purchase of land from Bāburāma Thakura etc. (NS 737) 737 NS
DNA_0022_0022 A krayapatra recording Śivakṛṣṇa Bhāro's purchase of land from Viṣṇurāma Niyogī (NS 847) 847 NS
DNA_0022_0023 A krayapatra recording King Yoganarendra Malla's sale of land to Śākyavaṃśa Cintāmaṇi Bade (NS 816) 816 NS
DNA_0022_0024 A krayapatra recording Śurjarāja Bhāro's purchase of land from Viśvarāja Bhāro (NS 771) 771 NS
DNA_0022_0025 A krayapatra recording Mohomāsiṃha Bhāro's purchase of a house from Parimāṃ Bhāro (NS 874) 874 NS
DNA_0022_0026 A krayapatra recording Jitāja's purchase of bāṭikā land from his cousin Āśacanda Bhāro (NS 682) 682 NS
DNA_0022_0027 A krayapatra recording Śākebhikṣu Jaṣarāja's purchase of land from Lulayi Bhāro (NS 675) 675 NS
DNA_0022_0028 A krayapatra recording Pāhāna Thakula Bhāro's purchase of gṛhapātāla from Sūryasiṃha Bhāvo (NS 881) 881 NS
DNA_0022_0029 A krayapatra recording a purchase of land belonging to Vipra Kṛṣnadāsa (NS 653) 653 NS
DNA_0022_0030 A krayapatra recording Amṛtasiṃha Bhāro's purchase of land from Śuthā Bhāro (NS 734) 734 NS
DNA_0022_0031 A krayapatra recording King Mahīndrasiṃha's sale of land to Visṇuhari Bhāro (NS 839) 839 NS
Displaying page 103 of 4117; total number of records: 82336