Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 106 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
DNA_0022_0072 A krayapatra recording Jayacanda's purchase of bāṭikā land from King Śivasiṃhadeva (NS 719) 719 NS
DNA_0022_0073 A krayapatra recording the sale of land to Jakhā by three co-rulers of Patan (NS 684) 684 NS
DNA_0022_0074 A krayapatra recording King Yoganarendra Malla's sale of land to Maṇideva (NS 816) 816 NS
DNA_0022_0075 A krayapatra recording Narasiṃha Bhāro's purchase of a house from Manoharasiṃha Bhāro (NS 809) 809 NS
DNA_0022_0076 A krayapatra recording Jayatasiṃha Bhāro's purchase of a house from Kamarājaju (NS 761) 761 NS
DNA_0022_0077 A krayapatra recording Haraṣu Nāyaka etc.'s purchase of land from King Jakṣa Malla (NS 501) 501 NS
DNA_0022_0078 A krayapatra recording Bhājudhana Bābu's purchase of bāṭikā land from Cikati Bābu Pātravaṃśa (NS 879) 879 NS
DNA_0022_0079 A krayapatra recording Dhamju Bhāro's purchase of bāṭikā land from Bhājudhana Rāvutta Pātravaṃśa (NS 876) 876 NS
DNA_0022_0080 A krayapatra recording Japhelamayī's purchase of land from Guṇadeva Śākyavaṃśa (NS 787) 787 NS
DNA_0022_0081 A krayapatra recording Luṃgusiṃha Bhāro's purchase of land from Abhaysiṃha etc. (NS 765) 765 NS
DNA_0022_0082 A krayapatra recording Jaheramayī's purchase of bāṭikā land from Bhāgīrāma Bhāro (NS 814) 814 NS
DNA_0022_0083 A krayapatra recording Sukhulirāma Bābu Pātravaṃśa's purchase of land from Amātte Siddhisiṃha Bhāro (NS 837) 837 NS
DNA_0022_0084 A baṇḍāpatra recording the allotment to Amṛttarāja of his share of ancestral property (NS 711) 711 NS
DNA_0022_0085 A krayapatra recording Saṃjaṣvāra Bhāro's purchase of bāṭikā land from Bhājudhana Bābu (NS 875) 875 NS
DNA_0022_0086 A krayapatra recording Nāthu Bhāvo's purchase of bāṭīkā land from Dharma Bhāvo etc. (NS 727) 727 NS
DNA_0022_0087 A krayapatra recording Vekhā Bhāvo's purchase of land from Mālasiṃha Prajāpati (NS 801) 801 NS
DNA_0022_0088 A krayapatra recording Jitāja Bhāro's purchase of land from Vepāra Bhāro (NS 701) 701 NS
DNA_0022_0089 A krayapatra recording Abānāthu Bhāvo's purchase of land from Rāma Bhāvo (NS 730) 730 NS
DNA_0022_0090 A krayapatra recording Śukhuti Bhāro's purchase of bāṭikā land from Kvāṭhanāyaka Bhāro (NS 781) 781 NS
DNA_0023_0001 A krayapatra recording Suryarāma Bhāvo's purchase of land from Rāmeśvara Bhāvo (NS 826) 826 NS
Displaying page 106 of 4117; total number of records: 82336