Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 14 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
DNA_0003_0012 A letter from Jāna Śāha to Bhīmasena Thāpā re local force capacities (VS 1884) 1884 VS
DNA_0003_0013 An arjī from Bālāśaṅkara to King Rājendra re meeting Mathavar Siṃha Thāpā in Ambālā (VS 1899) 1899 VS
DNA_0003_0014 A letter from Bakhat Siṃha Basnyāt to Bhīmasena Thāpā re looming British capture of Bharatpur (VS 1882) 1882 VS
DNA_0003_0015 An arjī from Bam Śāha re British financing of border potentates (VS 1871) 1871 VS
DNA_0003_0016 An arjī from Bam Śāha re the expanding British-Tibet trade via Almoḍā (VS 1870) 1870 VS
DNA_0003_0017 A letter to King Rājendra inviting him to an inauguration of a Śiva temple in Gaṅgādvār unspecified unspecified
DNA_0003_0018 A letter from Ujīra Siṃha Thāpā to Bhimasena Thāpā re battle preparations against the British (VS 1872) 1872 VS
DNA_0003_0019 A letter from Manirāma to Amara Siṃha Thāpā re British troop movements around Gorakhpur (VS 1871) 1871 VS
DNA_0003_0020 A letter from Kājī Prasāda Siṃha to Colonel Ujīra Siṃha Thāpā re progress in erecting border pillars unspecified VS
DNA_0003_0021 An arjī from Bam Śāha re the delivery of iron (VS 1874) 1874 VS
DNA_0003_0022 A letter from Amara Siṃha Thāpā to Bhīmasena Thāpā re gift exchange with the Nabāb of Lakhnau (VS 1870) 1870 VS
DNA_0003_0023 A letter from Ujīra Siṃha Thāpā to Bhīmasena Thāpā re putting border armies on alert (VS 1872) 1872 VS
DNA_0003_0024 A letter from Kirtidhvaja Pā̃ḍe re Raṇajit Siṃha's meeting with the Lāṭh (VS 1888) 1888 VS
DNA_0003_0025 A letter from Bālāśaṃkara re a visit paid by Ekakṛṣṇa Vaidya to Delhi (VS 1893) 1893 VS
DNA_0003_0026 An arjī stating a complaint against Captain Samara Vikrama Thāpā unspecified unspecified
DNA_0003_0027 A letter from Ujīra Siṃha Thāpā to Bhīmasena Thāpā re rising protests in Kumaun (VS 1872) 1872 VS
DNA_0003_0028 An arjī from Kaśīdatta Paṇḍita re the king's accession to the throne (VS 1904) 1904 VS
DNA_0003_0029 A letter from Bam Śāha to Ujīra Siṃha Thāpā asking to acknowledge receipt of a lālamohara (VS 1874) 1874 VS
DNA_0003_0030 A letter re Mahārājā Raṇajit Siṃha's meeting with sardāras (VS 1894) 1894 VS
DNA_0003_0031 An arjī re the purchase of horses unspecified unspecified
Displaying page 14 of 4117; total number of records: 82336