Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 162 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
E_1789_0037 A document from Dharmādhikāra's office to chief priest re unwillingness to pay purificatory fees by peasants of Vihāvara (VS 1962) 1962 VS
E_1789_0038 An application of Śiva Śarma Josi praying for shifting the image of Śiva and constructing the caravanserai unspecified unspecified
E_1814_0010 A rājanāmāvalī (list of kings) unspecified unspecified
E_1830_0025 A manual of Gorkha court (VS 1978) 1978 VS
E_1830_0026 A manual of the court of Gorkha (VS 1984) 1984 VS
E_1835_0011 A palm-leaf document recording a sales deed of land (NS 874) 874 NS
E_1835_0012 A sale deed of land (NS 833) 833 NS
E_1835_0013 A sale deed of garden (NS 835) 835 NS
E_1835_0014 A sales deed of land (NS 807) 807 NS
E_1835_0015 A kṣetravikrayapatra recording the sale of land (NS 786) 786 NS
E_1835_0016 A bhūmivikrayapatra recording the sale of land (NS 766) 766 NS
E_1835_0017 A vāṭikāvikrayapatra recording sale of a garden (NS 870) 870 NS
E_1835_0018 A sales deed of land (NS 876) 876 NS
E_1835_0019 A document re mortgage of land (NS 719) 719 NS
E_1835_0020 A kṣetravikrayapatra recording the sale of land (NS 712) 712 NS
E_1835_0021 A sales deed of house (NS 803) 803 NS
E_1835_0023 A gṛhavikrayapatra recording the sale of a house (NS 727) 727 NS
E_1835_0024 A vāṭikāvikrayapatra recording the sale of a garden in Patan (NS 758) 758 NS
E_1835_0025 A bhūmivikrayapatra recording the sale of land (NS 750) 750 NS
E_1835_0026 A bhūmivikrayapatra recording the sale of land in Patan (NS 757) 757 NS
Displaying page 162 of 4117; total number of records: 82336