Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 268 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
E_2293_0051 A document acknowledging the receipt of revenue (VS 1962) 1962 VS
E_2293_0052 A document acknowledging the receipt of revenue (VS 1964) 1964 VS
E_2293_0053 A document acknowledging the receipt of 18 rupees and odd as revenue (VS 1964) 1964 VS
E_2293_0054 A document from Revenue Office of Bhaktapur acknowledging the receipt of revenue (VS 1964) 1964 VS
E_2293_0055 A document acknowledging the receipt of revenue (VS 1929) 1929 VS
E_2293_0056 A document acknowledging the receipt of revenue (VS 1960) 1960 VS
E_2293_0057 A document acknowledging the description of the particulars of the revenue received (VS 1905) 1905 VS
E_2293_0058 A document acknowledging the receipt of revenue (VS 1954) 1954 VS
E_2293_0059 A document acknowledging the receipt of revenue (VS 1950) 1950 VS
E_2293_0060 A document acknowledging the receipt of revenue (VS 1940) 1940 VS
E_2293_0061 A document acknowledging the receipt of revenue for the year affected (VS 1949) 1949 VS
E_2293_0062 A document recording expenses for repairing the rest house of Cāngu (NS 1007) 1007 NS
E_2293_0063 A document recording the transactions made (NS 979) 979 NS
E_2293_0064 A catalogue of the transaction made (VS (19)41) 1941 VS
E_2293_0065 A catalogue of the bricks purchased (VS 1942) 1942 VS
E_2295_0001 A lālamohara from King Rājendra formalising the sale of land by Bhāgivanta Mākal of Ṭhimi (VS 1973) 1873 VS
E_2295_0002 A lālamohara from King Gīrvāṇayuddha formalising the sale of land in Ṭhimi (VS 1867) 1867 VS
E_2295_0003 A lālamohara from King Gīrvāṇayuddha formalising the sale of land in Ṭhimi (VS 1856) 1856 VS
E_2295_0004 A lālamohara from King Gīrvāṇayuddha formalising the sale of land in Ṭhimi (VS 1871) 1871 VS
E_2295_0005 A lālamohara from King Rājendra formalising the sale of land situated at Ṭhimi (VS 1880) 1880 VS
Displaying page 268 of 4117; total number of records: 82336