Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 271 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
E_2296_0004 A sales deed of a garden (NS 703) 703 NS
E_2296_0005 A sales deed of a garden (NS 550) 550 NS
E_2296_0006 A sales deed of a garden (NS 685) 685 NS
E_2296_0007 A sales deed of a garden (NS 811) 811 NS
E_2296_0008 A sales deed of a garden (NS 701) 701 NS
E_2296_0009 A sales deed of a piece of land (NS 837) 837 NS
E_2296_0010 A sales deed of a piece of land (NS 814) 814 NS
E_2296_0011 A bond for borrowing 8 rupees (NS 740) 740 NS
E_2296_0012 A bond for borrowing a sum (NS 738) 738 NS
E_2296_0013 A bandhapatra re mortgage of land and a house (NS 709) 709 NS
E_2296_0014 A deed of gift of land (NS 811) 811 NS
E_2296_0015 A document dedicating land for the ritual of Śrī Bhīmasena (NS 811) 811 NS
E_2296_0016 A sales deed of a piece of land (NS 563) 563 NS
E_2296_0017 A partition deed (NS 805) 805 NS
E_2311_0009 A palm-leaf document (NS 879) 879 NS
E_2312_0003 A law document from Tibet unspecified unspecified
E_2314_0014 A collection of verses on method of performing Bhauma pūjā (VS 1897, ŚS 1762, NS 960) 1897 VS
E_2314_0031 A phalopabhoga bandhaka recording a loan of 1118 rupees against 3 ropanīs and 10 ānnās of land (VS 1919) 1919 VS
E_2314_0032 A phalopabhoga bandhakapatra recording a loan of 50 1/4 rupees (VS 1902, NS 965) 965 NS
E_2314_0033 A bhāṭaka prāpti acknowledging receipt of rent from land of Cāṅgu (VS 1939) 1939 VS
Displaying page 271 of 4117; total number of records: 82336