Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3329 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0007_0160 A document issuing an order for supplying fodder for British cow brought for the royal palace (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0161 A document instructing Maj. Śrīvilāsa Koirālā for issuing an order re the treasure trove (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0162 A document delivering judgement over a dispute re monetary transaction (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0163 A document instructing the officials to supply toothpicks etc. for the royal palace (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0164 A document instructig Subbā Mahārudra Khatrī re the passport for the passengers passing through Cīsāpānī (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0165 A document instructing Jamādāra Motī Khatrī to deliver judgement re the dispute on the ownership of land (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0166 A document recording an action made on an order sent by King Raṇabahādura from Benarasa to collect money (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0167 A document instructing Dharmadatta Pādhyā to follow the judgement delivered over a dispute on ownership of a slave (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0168 A document issuing an order to the amālī etc. for contributing Jhārā labour from Belkoṭ district for repairing Nuvākoṭ's Raṅgamahala and Durbar palace (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0169 A document issuing an order for jhārā exaction from the inhabitants of Nuwakot (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0170 A document delivering judgement re a dispute on ownership of child of a slave (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0171 A document re appointment of Captain Khaḍga Bahādura Singh for making jāgīra allotment (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0172 A document instructing Subbā Premaraṃjana of Thāka to deliver judgement on the dispute re monetary transaction (VS 1903) unspecified unspecified
RRC_0007_0173 A document instructing Palpa court to deliver judgement on the case of alleged witchcraft (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0174 A document re a dispute regarding the post of headman of Marpha village (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0175 A document instructing the officials of Thāk concerning the complaints re collecting salt as customs duties (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0176 A document delivering judgement on complaints re possession of eascheat without paying dues to amālī (a revenue official) (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0177 A document appointing nāikes for collecting dues from the inhabitants of Thimi (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0178 An order issued to pay goḍdhuvā tax (VS 1903) 1903 VS
RRC_0007_0179 A document instructing Maj. Śrīvilāsa Koiālā of Daivāra village to let the copper mine function and send the further report (VS 1903) 1903 VS
Displaying page 3329 of 4117; total number of records: 82336