Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3332 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0007_0219 A document delivering judgement against the unauthorized punishment for sexual intercourse with prostitute (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0220 A document recording land grant on payment of sermā (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0221 A document instructing dvāryā etc. re the order issued for the installation of lion's image at the temple of Vajrayoginī (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0222 An order issued by Prime Minister Jaṅga Bahādura re the lālamohara granted for daily rituals and mainenance of Śrī Vāṇeśvara etc. (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0223 A document directing the officials of Mājhakirāta to deliver judgement re a dispute about cāradāma tax on kipaṭa lands (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0224 An order issued by Prime Minister Jaṅga Bahādura and Kājī Bambahādura Kũvara delivering judgement re the dispute on transaction of government treasure etc. (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0225 A document addressed to the officials of Mājhakīrāta re the complaint about possession of kipaṭa holding (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0226 An order waiving censorship on Persian and Hindi letters lifted (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0227 A document instructing the officials to arrange Kājī Surat Singh's visit to China (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0228 A document addressed to the officials of Dolakha district to deliver judgement re a dispute over ownership of land under amāla system (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0229 A document addressed to Lubhusera's mohī nāike to deliver judgement favouring Choṭu Pādhyā re a dispute about ownership of house (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0230 A document instructing Subbā Mahārudra Pādhyā of Cīsāpānīgaḍhī to supply deer (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0231 A document delivering judgement confirming gharabārī land under dhuvā birtā tenure (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0232 An order from Prime Minister Jaṅga Bahādura delivering judgement re a complain about punishing a postman for fault of the sender (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0233 A document instructing the officials re a dispute about the offender residing at Purkoṭ's Śrīkālikā Sarvāṅgamāphī Guṭhī land (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0234 A document instructing the officials to suppy wild animals (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0235 A document instructing the officials to exempt jhārā in Harisiddhi for the porters to China (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0236 A document addressed to Rājendra Nevāra Guṭhīyāra of Manakāmanā Guṭhī delivering judgement favouring Hirāmatī Thāpā re the unlawful eviction from land (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0237 A document instructing Subbā Ratnamāna Sīṃ of Parsa re the unauthorised exaction of rakam from jāgīra land (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0007_0238 A document instructing Subbā Ratnamān Siṃ to deliver judgement re the dispute over movement of a jāgīra maujā from a mala mauja (VS 1904) 1904 VS
Displaying page 3332 of 4117; total number of records: 82336