Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3376 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0010_0030 A document re regulatons issued in the name of Capt. Candra Vīra Biṣṭa for handling trade and customs administration in Morang etc. (VS 1967) 1967 VS
RRC_0010_0031 A document re regulations issued in the name of Lt. Mehermāna Kārkī Kṣetrī for auditing accounts in various districts (VS 1967) 1967 VS
RRC_0010_0032 A document re regulatons issued in tha name of Lt. Col. Śiva Śaṃkara Upādhyāya for Kāṭhamahala in Morang district (VS 1967) 1967 VS
RRC_0010_0033 A document re regulations issued in the name of Sāhu Dharma Nārāyaṇa for handling opium monopoly in Morang and other districts (VS 1967) 1967 VS
RRC_0010_0034 A document re additonal regulations in the name of Lt. Col. Śiva Śaṃkara Upādhyāya for Kaṭhmahala in Morang district (VS 1967) 1967 VS
RRC_0010_0035 A document re regulations issued in the name of Lt. Col. Bakhatavara Siṃha Khatrī Kṣetrī for handling revenue collection and judicial functions in Saptarī etc. (VS 1967) 1967 VS
RRC_0010_0036 A document re regulations in the name of Lt. Col. Bakhatavara Siṃha Khatrī Kṣetrī for birtā lands in Mahottarī (VS 1967) 1967 VS
RRC_0010_0037 A document re regulations in the name of Subbā Iśvarī Prasāda Arjyāla for kāṭhamahala in Bārā, Parsā and Rautahaṭa (VS 1967) unspecified unspecified
RRC_0010_0038 A document re additional regulations in the name of Subbā Iśvarī Prasāda Arjyāla for Kāṭhamahala in Bārā, Parsā and Rautahaṭa (VS 1967) 1967 VS
RRC_0010_0039 A document concerning a order to Subbā Iśvarī Prasāda Arjyāla re rations for the convicts (VS 1967) 1967 VS
RRC_0010_0040 A document re regulations in the name of Kharidāra Saśaratha Siṃha for revenue collection on birtā and guṭhī lands in Mahottarī (VS 1967) unspecified unspecified
RRC_0010_0041 A document re regulations in tha name of Capt. Harīlāla Paṇḍe for amānata trade in cardamom in Eastern Nepal (VS 1967) 1967 VS
RRC_0010_0042 A document re regulations issued in the name of Sāhu Dharma Nārāyaṇa for handling opium monopoly in Morang and other districts (VS 1967) 1967 VS
RRC_0011_0001 A document re bālā rakama services in Kathmandu unspecified unspecified
RRC_0011_0002 A document re byāṅ rakama services in Kathmandu valley unspecified unspecified
RRC_0011_0003 A document re bālā rakama services in Kathmandu and Patan unspecified unspecified
RRC_0011_0004 A document re ghāsī rakama service in Patan (VS 1919) 1919 VS
RRC_0011_0005 A document re byāṅ services in Khīṃcyāta (VS 1919) 1919 VS
RRC_0011_0006A A document re sīlaute, byāṅ and bālā services (VS 1919) 1919 VS
RRC_0011_0006B A document submitted by Jaisī Koṭhā unspecified VS
Displaying page 3376 of 4117; total number of records: 82336