Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3379 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0011_0044 A document re golya rakama land assignment in Cāpāgā̃u (VS 1910) 1910 VS
RRC_0011_0045 A document re byāṅ rakama land assignment in Cāpāgā̃u (VS 1910) 1910 VS
RRC_0011_0046 A document re dāurā rakama land assignment in Cāpāgā̃u (VS 1910) 1910 VS
RRC_0011_0047 A document re nakarmī rakama land assignment in Cāpāgā̃u unspecified unspecified
RRC_0011_0048 A document re byāṅ and golyā rakama land assignment in Cāpāgā̃u unspecified unspecified
RRC_0011_0049 A document re voluntary relinquishment of daurā rakama land in Champī village (VS 1910) 1910 VS
RRC_0011_0050 A document re daurā rakama land assignment in Champī village unspecified unspecified
RRC_0011_0051 A document re jaṅgī magazine rakama assignment in Panautī (VS 1912) 1912 VS
RRC_0011_0052 A document re golyā rakama assignment in Panautī unspecified unspecified
RRC_0011_0053 A document re unspecific rakama land assignments in Panautī unspecified unspecified
RRC_0011_0054 A document re voluntary relinquishment of Jaṅgī Magazine rakama land in Lele (VS 1910) 1910 VS
RRC_0011_0055 A document re jaṅgī magazine rakama land assignments in Lele (VS 1910) 1910 VS
RRC_0011_0056 A document re bosī rakama land assignment in Lele (VS 1910) 1910 VS
RRC_0011_0057 A document re bosī rakama land assignment in Kābhrā, Pā̃gā and Sikarpā (VS 1910) 1910 VS
RRC_0011_0058 A document re golyā rakama land assignment in Lele unspecified unspecified
RRC_0011_0059A A document re golyā rakama land assignment in Bhāradeu unspecified unspecified
RRC_0011_0059B A document re golyā rakama land assignment in Nalduma (VS 1910) 1910 VS
RRC_0011_0059C A document re golyā rakama land assignment in Bhāradeu (VS 1910) 1910 VS
RRC_0011_0060 A document re golyā rakama land assignment in Ṭhaiba unspecified unspecified
RRC_0011_0061 A document re sīlaute rakama land assignment in Bhaktapur unspecified unspecified
Displaying page 3379 of 4117; total number of records: 82336