Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3503 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0020_0290 A copy of document re complaint of Rāma Dulāla Caudharī etc. against excess collections made subbā-s and caudharī-s (VS 1863) 1863 VS
RRC_0020_0291 A copy of document directing Khadāyā Khatrī and Kṛpā Khavāsa to punish amālī-s and dvāre-s who obstructed movement of cannon in areas from the Viṣṇumatī to Kumaun (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0292 A copy of document directing Viśrāma Khatrī to pay a sum to Khadyā Khatrī and Kṛpā Khavāsa from fines imposed on jaisī-s (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0293 A copy of document directing Saradāra Rajagaṃja etc. to depute four soldiers to accompany Khadāyā Khatrī and Kṛpā Khavāsa (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0294 A copy of document directing Subedāra Tribhuvana to depute troops for exacting jhārā labor from Mājhī-s for the transportation of timber procured for construction of temple (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0295 A copy of document informing Rāmacandra Thāpā on increase in production of saltpeter etc. (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0296 A copy of document informing Āsu Caudharī and other caudharī-s re complaint against excess collections made by ryots (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0297 A copy of document directing to pay a sum to Khajāncī Śyāma Lāla Pādhyā etc. from ijārā revenues of Bārā and Parsā districts (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0298 A copy of document directing Subbā Rudravīra Shāhī etc. to handover run away slaves to Kaparādāra Pala Siṃha Basnyāta (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0299 A copy of document directing caukidāra-s of areas between Bagmati and Arun to permit movement of officials deputed to collect wax for use in cannon-boundary (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0300 A copy of document directing officials in areas between Viṣṇumatī and East Kālī to permit movement of officials deputed to collect wax for use in cannon-boundary (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0301 A copy of document directing Jālima Khavāsa to pay a sum to Suryamani as dakṣinā (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0302 A copy of document directing Subedāra Suryamāna to handover surplus in kind rents of land checked by him to Hemanta (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0303 A copy of document directing Rudra Bira Shāhi to pay a sum from proceeds of fee on copper inscriptions (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0304 A copy of document directing Subbā Śakti Ballava Pādhyā to pay a sum to Loka Nidhī Tivārī to redeem books mortgaged (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0305 A copy of document re Sundar Moti and his troops employed on a monthly salary (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0306 A copy of document granting a sum to Gaṃgā Rāma Tivārī for bringing a vesselful of Gaṇgā water (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0307 A copy of document directing Ijārādāra Śakti Ballava Pādhyā to pay a sum as balance due to Mahanta Niścala Girī as rent for house (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0308 A copy of document directing Benudatta Thāpā and Samanī Khavāsa to collect saltpeter according to instructions in non-malarial areas (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0309 A copy of document reminding Bandhu Khavāsa to complete scrutiny of requests for revenue remissions made by amālī-s in Bārā etc. (VS 1862) 1862 VS
Displaying page 3503 of 4117; total number of records: 82336