Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3505 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0020_0330 A copy of document appointing mukhiyā and navasiṃdā to find out taxable lands in Kumaun (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0331 A copy of document regarding Kaji Ritudhvaja deputed to Kumaun to scruntinise accounts (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0332 A copy of document re Kāji Ritudhvaja deputed to Caugarkhā, Doṭī and other areas to scruntinise account etc. (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0333 A copy of document re Daphadarī Rāma Kṛṣṇa Jośī deputed to assist Kāji Ritudhvaja in his work (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0334A A copy of document ordering Candramaṇi Jośī and other daphadarī-s to assist Kājī Ritudhvaja in Kumaun (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0334B A copy of document ordering Candramaṇi Jośī and other daphadarī-s to assist Kājī Ritudhvaja in Kumaun (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0335 A copy of document appointing Hara Datta Jhā as kharadāra (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0336 A copy of document directing Śakti Ballava Pādhyā to report names of persons who attract ryots from raikara to birtā and jāgira lands in Bārā and Parsā (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0337 A copy of document directing Naina Siṃha to report names of persons who attract ryots from raikara to birtā and jāgira lands in Saptarī and Mahottarī (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0338 A copy of document directing officials who are in charge of settlement in Bārā and Parsā to attract settlers from the Moglāna (VS 1862) unspecified unspecified
RRC_0020_0339 A copy of document directing Kājī Ritudhvaja and Hara Datta Jhā to pay salaries from revenues collected by them (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0340A A copy of document re regulations issued in the name of Kājī Ritudhvaja, Subbā Bijaya Siṃha and other officials about their assignment in Kumaun (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0340B A copy of document re regulations issued in the name of Kājī Ritudhvaja, Subbā Bijaya Siṃha etc. about their assignment in Kumaun (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0341 A copy of document directing officials of Kālabanjara lands in Saptarī and Mahottarī to attract settlers from Moglāna (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0342 A copy of document directing Subbā Dasaratha Khatrī of Moraṅ to pay a sum as loan due to Mahanta Jayarāma Girī from ijārā payment (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0343 A copy of document directing Lakṣmaṇa to provide expenses to surveyors deputed to Majha Kirāta from revenues of Tusāla (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0344 A copy of document re Dasaratha Khatrī etc. being rebuked for ignoring instructions of recruitment of troops and collection of revenue (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0345 A copy of document re diṭṭhā deputed to Moraṅ to look into complaints made by local caudharī-s, kānugoi-s etc. against Dasaratha Khatrī (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0346 A copy of document appointing Jiu Pādhyā as Vicārī in Kumaun (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0020_0347 A copy of document exempting surveyors from jhāra labor while on deputation to different areas (VS 1862) 1862 VS
Displaying page 3505 of 4117; total number of records: 82336