Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3602 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0023_0806 A copy of an order issued regarding the payment of salary to Kājī Abhimāna Singh from ijārā revenues of Saptarī (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0807 A copy of an order issued to Subbā Dīnānātha Upādhyā instructing to pay a sum as bālī ṣarca to Abhimāna Siṃ (VS 1856) unspecified unspecified
RRC_0023_0808 A copy of an order issued to Subbā Daśaratha Ṣatrī and Raṇamardana instructing them to send a sum to purchase gold for the construction of Jagannātha temple (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0809 A copy of an order issued to Subbā Gaja Siṃ regarding the allocation of revenues from Bara, Parsa and Rautahaṭ for purchase of materials required for tosākhānā (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0810 A copy of an order issued to Subbā Gaja Siṃ instructing to gift a sum to Ramānātha Miśra from ijārā revenues of Bārā, Parsā and Rautahaṭ (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0811 A copy of an order issued to Subbā Dīnānātha Upādhyā of Saptarī instructing to deliver a sum to Kālu Ṣavāsa in Banārasa for purchase of materials required to the tosākhānā (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0812 A copy of an order issued allocating a sum of ijārā revenues from Saptarī and Mahottarī for purchasing miscellaneous commodities required for royal palace (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0813 A copy of unspecified unspecified
RRC_0023_0814 A copy of an order appointing Śiva in the royal palace on a monthly salary (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0815 A copy of an order issued confirming Gosāin Vasanta Dāsa as mokaddum in Mahottarī (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0816 A copy of an order issued to Subbā Gaja Siṃ regarding payment of salaries from Bārā, Parsā and Rautahaṭ (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0817 A copy of an order issuing regulations for the land administration in Kathmandu Valley (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0818 A copy of an order issued confirming istimrar mokarri lands of Jahar Singh in Mahottarī (VS 1856) 1855 VS
RRC_0023_0819 A copy of an order instructing Subbā Daśaratha Ṣatrī regarding allocation of ijārā revenues of Morang for purchase of riffle (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0820 A copy of an order issued to the birtā owners in Timāla to provide jhārā labor in maintaining watch at Pachwarghat (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0821 A copy of an order issued to the birtā owners in other four areas to provide jhārā labor in maintaining watch in Khichayan and other areas (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0822 A copy of an order issued to Gaja Siṃ regarding the allocation of a sum of ijārā revenues from Bārā, Parsā and Rautahat for purchasing materials required for religious functions at Hattisār (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0823 A copy of an order granting chāpa land to Dhaukala in Patan (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0824 A copy of an order issued granting jāgīra land to Cautarīyā Vidura Śāha and Śera Bahādura Śāha (VS 1856) unspecified unspecified
RRC_0023_0825 A copy of an order issued to Subbā Gaja Siṃ instructing to proceed providing Cautarīyā Ṣaṃgī to Cautarīyā Vidura Śāha and Śera Bahādura Śāha (VS 1856) 1856 VS
Displaying page 3602 of 4117; total number of records: 82336