Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3603 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0023_0826 A copy of an order retaining chāpa land granted to Raṅgolā Ṣavāsa in Kumāun (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0827 A copy of an order issued directing Kṛṣṇānanda Lohanī not to collect levies included in ijārā for mines (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0828 A copy of an order issued regarding the waste land in Rautahaṭ granted on the ijārā basis to Rājaguru Vrajanātha Miśra (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0829 A copy of an order issued to Subbā Gaja Siṃ regarding the payment of salary to Sarvajit Pānde from ijārā revenues of Bara, Parsa and Rautahaṭ (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0830 A copy of an order issued to Vīrū Pādhyā regarding the payment of salary to Sardāra Jasavaṃta Bhaṇḍārī from ijārā revenues of Citawan (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0831 A copy of an order confirming gharabārī lands to military companies (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0832 A copy of an order impressing jhārā labor in Cainpur and other areas of elephant catching operation (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0833 A copy of an order granting exemption from payment of transit duties on commodities obtained by Cautarīyā Raṇa Udyota Sāha from his jāgīra lands in Pokhara and other areas (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0834 A copy of an order exempting taxes on copper received by Cautarīyā Raṇa Udyota Sāha from his jāgīra lands in Chārkā (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0835 A copy of an order appointing Mūlacaṃda Dhāmī in hāttisāra (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0836 A copy of an order authorizing Devāna Raṇajit Pāṇḍe to reclaim jāgīra lands in Jājarkoṭ through jhārā labor (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0837 A copy of an order authorizing to reclaim jāgīra lands Pācathalā, Rukum and Citauna in through jhārā labor (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0838 A copy of an order issued to Śrīharṣa Paṃtha and other tharaghara regarding the demarcation of boundaries of land granted (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0839 A copy of an order issued confirming guṭhī lands of Haleśvara Mahādeva temple in Halesī (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0840 A copy of an order issued to Dārogā Dāmodara Jaisī and others regarding the elephant as presents sending to Calcutta with Candraśekhara Upādhyā (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0841 A copy of an order instructing Dārogā Dayārāma Upādhyāya and others regarding gifts and loans of elephants (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0842 A copy of an order issued to Subbā Gaja Siṃ regarding the payment of salary to the priest Śakti Ballabha from ijārā revenues from Bārā and Parsā (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0843 A copy of an order issued to amālīdāra of Nālā regarding the supply of timber and other materials for the manufacture of riffles (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0844 A copy of an order issued to amālīdāra of Ṭiṣṭuṅ Pāluṅ regarding the supply of timber and other materials for the manufacture of riffles (VS 1856) 1856 VS
RRC_0023_0845 A copy of an order issued to amālīdāra-s of Vicaṃṣu Buḍhaṃculī and Jorṣu is regarding the supply of timber and other materials for the manufacture of riffles (VS 1856) 1856 VS
Displaying page 3603 of 4117; total number of records: 82336