Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3632 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0024_0454 A copy of an order granting chāpa land grant to Nari Gosāin (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0455 A copy of an order granting chāpa land to Dhanañjaya Bhaṇḍārī (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0456 A copy of an order granting chāpa land to Vāsu Khatrī (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0457 A copy of an order confirming homesite granted by the king of Lamjung to Lakṣmī Singh Banda a carpenter (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0458 A copy of an order re ijārā procurement of wax from entire kingdom granted to Narayan Newar (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0459 A copy of an order granting dahī bhansāra in Kathmandu and other areas to Bhīma Nārāyaṇa Ojhā on ijārā basis (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0460 A copy of an order exempting payment of pota tax on sunabirtā lands purchased by Kapardāra Bhoṭu Pāṇḍe (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0461 A copy of an order re jāgīra land grant to Icchārāma Copadāra in Parsā (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0462 A copy of an order granting chāpa land to Deva Thāpā (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0463 A copy of an order re ijārā grant to Vāma Deva Thāpā (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0464 A copy of an order to Māhādeva Pādhyā and Dāmodara Jaisī re the gift of an elephant (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0465 A copy of an order re exemption from beṭha and begāra for construction of irrigation channels on birtā lands granted to Rāmadhana Gangapatra (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0466 A copy of an order pardoning Jasmukha Rāi and directed to come back (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0467 A copy of an order pardoning Jasmukha Rāi and directed to come back and reoccupy his kipaṭa lands (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0468 A copy of an order confiscating property of Biryā Rokāyā on charges of counterfeiting coins (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0469 A copy of an order re the payment of salary to Raṇa Singh Thāpā from ijārā revenues of Thak-Theni (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0470 A copy of an order re the payment of salary to Daljit Thāpā from ijārā revenues of Thak-Theni (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0471 A copy of an order re the payment of salary to Bahādura Singh and Nandalāla Dāsa from revenues of Kathmandu (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0472 A copy of an order re payment of salary to Viśvanātha Dulāla and Bhāskara Pādhyā from ijārā revenues of Kathmandu (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0473 A copy of a collection of eight documents re property transactions in Kathmandu (VS 1851) 1851 VS
Displaying page 3632 of 4117; total number of records: 82336